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    Breast Augmentation Surgery Overview

    Tag Archives: breast implants

    Breast Augmentation Surgery DallasAugmentation mammaplasty, commonly known as breast augmentation or breast enhancement surgery, is one of the most sought after procedures performed by a cosmetic surgeon today. The procedure involves surgical placement of saline or silicone implants to increase the size and fullness of breasts. Dr. Paul McCluskey is an experienced plastic surgeon providing breast augmentation and other procedures to patients in Atlanta, GA and surrounding areas.

    Suitable Candidates

    Not every woman may be a suitable candidate for breast augmentation. The surgeon will examine the general health condition, breast anatomy and aesthetic goals of the patient before recommending them for this procedure. The following women typically make spectacular candidates for breast augmentation:

    • The patient is unhappy with naturally smaller sized breasts.
    • The patient is keen to increase the size of normal breasts for aesthetic purposes.
    • Breast volume has been lost following a pregnancy, breastfeeding or loss of weight.
    • One of the breasts is smaller than the other.
    • The patient has undergone a mastectomy or has suffered loss of breast tissue due to a breast injury.

    The cosmetic surgeon performing breast augmentation will try to ensure that the patient has a positive outlook, clear aesthetic goals and realistic expectations from the procedure.

    Choosing Breast Implants

    Breast augmentation is a fairly customizable procedure due to multiple choices available in terms of implant types, sizes, shapes, projection, and texture. As an experienced plastic surgeon, Dr. McCluskey educates his patients about the choice between saline and silicone implants, and helps them choose the appropriate size ranging from 120cc to 960cc.

    Implant shape may be teardrop or round shape, and the surface the implant may be chosen between plain and textured. Patients in and around Atlanta, GA have an opportunity to discuss their best choices during the initial consultation with Dr. McCluskey.

    Surgical Procedure

    Breast augmentation will be performed using general anesthesia or IV sedation. The surgeon will begin the procedure by making an incision in a pre-determined location that keeps the scarring inconspicuous. The incision may be placed below the breast crease, encircling the areola, around the belly button, or the underarm area. The surgeon will create an implant cavity in the breast to place the implant shell under the chest muscle or between the breast tissue and the chest muscle.

    Augmentation mammaplasty procedure will usually last anywhere between one and three hours, depending on the extent of surgery involved. If the surgeon needs to perform breast augmentation in conjunction with another procedure such as a breast lift, the total surgery time may be longer. Once the implants are inserted and adjusted well into their desired position and shape, the surgeon will close the incisions with sutures or skin adhesive.


    Most patients will experience mild pain and soreness in the breasts for a few days, which can be managed with pain relieving medication prescribed by the surgeon. Sutures will be removed in about a week, and the patient will be ready to go back to work or resume regular activities. The results of breast augmentation can last for several years, provided the patient maintains a healthy and balanced lifestyle.


    For more information on treatments and procedures offered offered by Atlanta Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Paul McCluskey visit:

    Lately I see more and more patients who are personal trainers, bodybuilders, or into more extreme fitness methods such as Crossfit, kickboxing, and mixed martial arts. When these patients are interested are in breast augmentation surgery they are understandably concerned about what affect implants could have on their lifestyle, so here are the main points to consider in this situationWomen strength: pink pair of dumbbells

    5 Principles for fitness fanatics:

    1. Submuscular implants – the implant is under the muscle but once the muscle heals the patient can perform any & all fitness activites.  In patients with low body fat and a paucity of breast tissue, implants which are placed above the muscle will look fake and “stuck-on”.  Submuscular implants look better, carry a lower risk of visible or palpable ripples, and have far fewer complications.
    2. Wear Support after Breast Augmentation.
    3. Allow time for the Pecs to heal.
    4. Perform postoperative breast massages
    5. Enjoy working out and looking great!

    For more information on procedures offered by Dr McCluskey and the Plastic Surgery Institute of Atlanta visit

    We always want our patients to be as comfortable as possible when they come to visit us!



    The picture above shows our waiting room and some art work from around the office! For information on procedures offered by Dr McCluskey and the Plastic Surgery Institute of Atlanta visit

    Breast augmentation is still one of the most popular procedures in cosmetic surgery! From lifts to reductions to implants, breasts are the body part that a lot of our patients are interested in talking about, and with good reason! Younger looking and fuller breasts can be a huge source of self esteem, while reduction can cause just as much of a confidence boost while helping with and back pain issues.

    The patient below chose to have breast implants and achieved these beautiful results! Breast augmentation procedures come with a lot of choices to make sure each patient has the most satisfactory results possible. Choices include the type of implant, the position the implant is placed in, the incision used to insert the implant as well as, of course, the size of the implant. With all these options each patient can reach the goal they desire, and our goal is to give you all the information you need to make the best decision for you! You can even watch a video of a breast augmentation procedure here.



    Why not schedule your consultation with Dr McCluskey today? Call us on 404-255-3555!

    For more information on procedures offered by Dr McCluskey and the Plastic Surgery Institute of Atlanta visit

    After breast augmentation surgery, like any surgery, it’s always important to take it easy and follow your surgeon’s recovery instructions. But, once you are fully recovered, healed, and ready to get back to your work out routine (check with your surgeon about just how long you should wait) what precautions should you take? After all, you could now be jogging with large breasts for the first time in your life!


    You’ve probably seen photos of bodybuilders who have undergone breast augmentation so you know they aren’t skipping their workouts! Of course, while you get used to your new assets things are going to feel strange. The extra weight on your chest and the movement of the implants, particularly during arm exercises. Low-impact cardio is a great way to ease back in to exercise while you get used to your new implants.It is important to wait before resuming any chest exercises though, particularly with implants placed sub muscularly the muscle is healing so it is important to treat it as such.

    silicone breast implantFrom Dr McCluskey:  Many breast augmentation patients are told by their doctors to avoid exercise during the first few weeks after surgery.  I actually encourage patients to resume low-impact exercise (walking on treadmill or elliptical) within a few days after surgery.   I find that the most active patients feel better, have less pain, recover faster, and resume normal activities faster.  That said, I prefer for breast augmentation patients to wait a few weeks before resuming upper body workouts, particularly if they use heavy weights.  The pectoral muscles are partially released during breast augmentation surgery and this area needs to heal before strenuous exercise is resumed.  So the take-home message is that I want my breast implant patients to get out and walk or do light exercise very soon after surgery, but hold off on upper body weight lifting or pushups for a few weeks.

    For more information about procedures offered by Dr McCluskey and the Plastic Surgery Institute of Atlanta visit

    See the amazing transformation this patient underwent as Dr McCluskey performs a breast augmentation with 300cc saline breast implants!

    If you have any questions or would like to book a consultation with Dr McCluskey, call 404-255-3555 today!

    For more information on services offered by Dr McCluskey and the Plastic Surgery Institute of Atlanta, visit

    We are so excited to bring you our first video from inside the operating room! Watch Dr McCluskey perform a periareolar lift and augmentation with saline breast implants.

    If you have any questions on this of any of our other procedures don’t hesitate to ask! Call today: 404-255-3555

    For information on other procedures offered by Dr McCluskey and the Plastic Surgery Institute of Atlanta visit

    Did you know that you have a choice in breast implant placement?

    Breast implants can either be placed or above the pectoralis muscle and beneath the breast tissue, known as sub glandular placement shown on the left of the picture below, or beneath the pectoralis muscle, sub muscularly, as shown on the right.  The benefits and risks of implant placement above or below the muscle have been studied extensively by comparing hundreds of thousands of breast augmentation cases and the findings overwhelmingly support submuscular placement of breast implants.

    Implant PlacementPlacing breast implants beneath the muscle, in a pocket created between the chest wall and the pectoralis muscle carries many advantages and reduces risks of complications.  It’s difficult to rank these advantages in order of importance but submusclar placement has the following pro’s:  1. reduces the risk of capsular contracture, 2. allows for mammograms to be performed and read (ie doesn’t interfere with early detection of breast cancer or other problems), 3. theoretically patients can still breast feed if they choose to do so, and 4. submuscular implant placement has a more natural appearance and contour in the upper chest.

    Dr McCluskey will individually assess each patient to decide which implant placement is most suited to each patient’s needs and aesthetic.

    For more information on services offered by Dr McCluskey and the Plastic Surgery Institute of Atlanta visit

    One of our patients kindly decided to describe her breast augmentation experience at the Plastic Surgery Institute of Atlanta.

    “I debated for years before I finally decided to undergo a breast augmentation with Dr. McCluskey.  Plastic surgery was not something I felt desperate for, nor did I think it would change my life. I was always unhappy with my breast size. As a kid I was made fun of by my childhood friends for not developing when they did. As a cheerleader I used to stuff my sports bra so that I wouldn’t look weird in my uniform. Thankfully, these insecurities never caused me to fear going out in public like other women I have seen undergo breast augmentation.  As I got older I was confident enough with my body yet I wanted breasts. Not huge breasts but larger ones that could give me an added curve to my body on top. Even pregnancy did not enlarge my breasts.   Pregnancy was the one thing I thought for sure would take me out of my training bra finally into a bra for the adult female. Go figure. During my consult with Dr. McCluskey I felt extremely comfortable and he was so kind to answer all of my questions. My experiences with other offices weren’t as easy. I felt a lot of the doctors seemed rushed. I was able to get all the information available about implants from the different kinds (saline and silicone gel) to what my post op experience would be. The day of my surgery could not have gone more smoothly. Dr. McCluskey’s entire staff was extremely helpful and attentive to my needs.  Any surgical procedure is scary and it was wonderful having the kind of patient care his staff gives.

     I went with an implant size (350cc Hi Profile Gel) that looked more natural. I did not want many people to know I even had the surgery done. The fake look was not my goal. I just wanted to finally wear that Victoria’s Secret 34C bra I eyed for so long. And four weeks after my surgery when I tried on that bra in the VS dressing room I was satisfied. I continue to be in love and happy with my breasts. My fiancé loves them too!! Thank you Dr. McCluskey and the entire staff at the Plastic Surgery Institute of Atlanta!”

    For more information on procedures offered by Dr McCluskey and the Plastic Surgery Institute of Atlanta visit

    Sometimes breasts hurt.  This is just a fact of life for women.  A search for “breast pain” on Google immediately pulls up 61,700,000 results.  A great deal of content on the major health sites is devoted to the subject of breast pain.  Breasts are glandular and glandular tissue responds to changes in hormone levels.  Changes in the body are often accompanied by aches and pains.  We’re not talking about fall on the ground in agony pain, but it’s enough to drive many women to the doctor to inquire as to the cause of this pain.  The most common cause of breast pain is probably associated with hormone changes from monthly periods.  This is called cyclic pain and it typically subsides as a period ends.  Cyclic breast pain affects both breasts and tends to occur in younger women.  Cyclic breast pain is considered a normal part of monthly hormonal changes and with menopause this type of breast pain will cease to occur.  Noncyclic pain is more common in women 30 to 50 years of age and it may occur in only one breast. It is often described as a sharp, burning pain that occurs in one area of a breast. Occasionally, noncyclic pain may be caused by a fibroadenoma (mass) or a cyst. If the cause of noncyclic pain can be found, treating the cause may relieve the pain.


    Breast pain can get worse with changes in your hormone levels or changes in the medicines you are taking. Stress can also affect breast pain. You are more likely to have breast pain before menopause than after menopause.

    As a plastic surgeon I don’t typically treat cyclic/noncyclic breast pain unless it occurs in one of my breast augmentation patients.  If a patient arrives in my office with complaints of breast pain I recommend some over the counter treatments and refer her to either her primary care physician, an OB/GYN, or a breast doctor.  I still take the time to reassure these patients that it’s likely nothing serious but especially in patients with cyclic pain, there are other specialties who more commonly treat breast pain.

    Other ways to relieve breast pain include:

    1. NSAIDs such as Ibuprofen, Naproxen, or Aspirin are the most common medications for treating breast pain.
    2. Danazol and Tamoxifen are treatments reserved for severe cyclic breast pain but these medications are rarely used for this condition.
    3. Birth Control Pills (oral contraceptives). OCPs can relieve cyclic breast pain and lessen breast swelling.  OCPs can also cause breast pain as a side effect .
    4. Magnesium supplements have been shown to relieve premenstrual symptoms and cyclic breast pain.
    5. High fat in the diet is a potential cause of breast pain so reducing dietary fat can help to relieve this type of pain.
    6. Reducing caffeine intake in the diet can reduce breast pain as well.

    When patients ask me about breast pain I know that underneath it all they’re concerned about the possibility of breast cancer.  Breast cancer is not often associated with pain and breast implants do not cause breast cancer.  A painful mass is not usually breast cancer but it can be.  This is one of those frustrating, ambiguous things that doctors often say to patients – so is it or isn’t it?  The only way to know with 100% certainty if a mass is benign or malignant is to perform a biopsy.  But if a young patient has cyclic pain for example, and she can feel painful cysts there is usually no indication to biopsy these as long as they change with the cycle.  The take home message is that breasts can hurt and most of the time it’s nothing to be concerned about.  Breast implants do not cause cancer and often times when a patient has pain months or years after breast augmentation, this pain is a result of cyclic/noncyclic breast pain, and not caused by the implants themselves.


    For more information on other services offered by Dr McCluskey and the Plastic Surgery Institute of Atlanta visit