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    Mini Facelift Before and After Photos

    Tag Archives: Plastic Surgery

    The mini-lift or mini facelift is my favorite procedure for facial rejuvenation!  

    Through a small, nearly invisible incision that falls in the crease of the ear I can lift the cheek and jowl, providing dramatic & long-lasting improvement of the jaw line, the chin & sub mental region.  Using a small incision beneath the chin I can combine the mini facelift with liposuction of the neck and a neck lift.

    What I love about this procedure is that it can be performed under local anesthesia (with mild sedation) in an office setting, the incisions are small and well-hidden, the results (as you can see below) are beautiful & they stand the test of time, and the downtime & recovery are minimal.



    For more information on procedures offered by Dr McCluskey and the Plastic Surgery Institute of Atlanta visit

    Sometimes a subtle change is all that is needed to boost a patients confidence. Ear surgery can correct a range of aesthetic issues.  The appearance of large ears, not in proportion to the face and prominent ears which protrude too far from the face can both be dramatically improved through a relatively simple office procedure which is performed under local anesthesia   Prominent ears can have a huge negative impact on a person’s self esteem – I’ve seen patients go to extreme measures to hide prominent ears.  Otoplasty surgery, or ear-pinning, is a safe procedure with beautiful results that patients love to show off.



    The procedure involves making a small, well hidden incision behind the ear.  The cartilage in the central part of the ear forms a bowl, and part of this cartilage is removed to lessen the protrusion of the ear.  Specialized suture techniques are used to then “pin” the ear so that it sits flatter against the head.  The incision behind the ear is closed with absorbable sutures and after the procedure the ear is bandaged and a headband is placed to help hold the ear in the pinned-back position while it heals.

    For information on procedures offered by Dr McCluskey and the Plastic Surgery Institute of Atlanta visit

    Watch this amazing video of a tummy tuck procedure as seen from Dr McCluskey’s point of view! To learn more about the procedure see Dr McCluskey discuss each step here and see the beautiful before and after photos here!

    This video was shot using a GoPro Hero2!

    For more procedures offered by Dr McCluskey and the Plastic Surgery Institute of Atlanta visit

    You won’t believe the results of this liposuction with Dr McCluskey. He managed to remove 3 liters of fat from this patient and the final look is absolutely beautiful

    For information on other procedures performed by Dr McCluskey visit

    It’s not the first time we’ve brought you new of plastic surgery developments in Korea, but this one may just top the last story in terms of being ‘out there’. Have you ever been concerned about the shape of your skull? Chances are you probably haven’t given it a second thought but apparently in Korea this has become all the rage.


    Korean plastic surgery is known for taking the practice to a whole other level but this procedure is gaining popularity in Korea where being made fun of for a flat head is said to be common.


    The procedure involves a small incision and the application of bone cement, yes bone cement, to the skull to give a rounder appearance while adding around 80 grams of weight to the patient’s head in an apparently relatively fast procedure.

    So what do you think about this new “round head” plastic surgery?

    For information on procedures that are offered by Dr McCluskey, visit

    You may have heard over the weekend that Bruce Jenner, the former olympian and Keeping up With The Kardashians star, has been looking to get a laryngeal shave as reported by TMZ. So what exactly is a laryngeal shave?


    A laryngeal shave, or tracheal shave is a procedure common in the transgender community as it involves shaving down the Adam’s apple to give a flatter and more feminine neck. Bruce Jenner is not undergoing gender reassignment surgery but has apparently had issues with how his trachea looks and wants to rectify the issue.  Many patients desire a less prominent trachea as part of the process of facial feminization while some patients like Mr Jenner may simply dislike how the thyroid cartilage affects their appearance.


    The procedure involves making a small transverse incision and gently shaving the cartilage to flatten the appearance of the Adam’s apple, however it can not be completely removed as the cartilage is required to protect the vocal chords. The procedure is not long and can be performed under local anesthesia.

    If you have questions on this or any other procedure performed by Dr McCluskey, let us know! We are always here to answer your questions.

    For information on other procedures provided by Dr McCluskey and the Plastic Surgery Institute of Atlanta visit

    Breast implant placement has a huge effect on the final results of a breast augmentation surgery. Patients have a choice between submuscular (below the pectoral muscle) and subglandular (above the pectoral muscle) placement depending on what suits their needs and the look they wish to achieve. Here, Dr McCluskey explains the importance of breast implant placement:

    Implant Placement

    “Breast implants can either be placed beneath the pectoralis muscle or above the pectoralis muscle.  The benefits and risks of implant placement above or below the muscle have been studied extensively by comparing hundreds of thousands of breast augmentation cases and the findings overwhelmingly support submuscular placement of breast implants.  Placing implants beneath the muscle, in a pocket created between the chest wall and the pectoralis muscle carries many advantages and reduces risks of complications.  It’s difficult to rank these advantages in order of importance but submusclar placement has the following pro’s:  1. reduces the risk of capsular contracture, 2. allows for mammograms to be performed and read (ie doesn’t interfere with early detection of breast cancer or other problems), 3. theoretically patients can still breast feed if they choose to do so, and 4. submuscular implant placement has a more natural appearance and contour in the upper chest.”

    For more information on services offered by Dr McCluskey go to