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    The Showdown: Squats Vs Brazilian Butt Lift

    Tag Archives: Brazilian Butt Lift

    Squats are a fantastic way to strengthen, tone, build, and lift the thigh & gluteal region.  Anyone who consistently adds squats to their workout will see great results.  But squats will not give you the same look as a Brazilian Butt lift.  Patients who come to me for liposuction and fat transfer are typically looking for a rounder, curvier appearance, and that cannot always be achieved through exercise.


    Where I see exercises like squats or leg presses making a huge difference is in the lower part of the buttocks at the gluteal crease of the posterior thigh.  This area responds well to toning through exercise and it will lift the lower part of the buttocks.  During a Brazilian Butt lift I contour this region by performing liposuction of posterior thigh to enhance the curvature between the leg and the lower part of the butt.  When I take the suctioned fat and augment (add to) the butt it gives a beautiful, lifted appearance.  In a perfect world patients would use a procedure such as Brazilian Butt lift to enhance the results they receive from exercise.  In lower volume fat gluteal fat transfers (250-400cc per side) the addition of a squat regimen markedly enhances the roundness of the buttocks.  But in higher volume fat transfers (500-1200cc per side) so much fat is added to build and sculpt the buttocks that squats probably do not make a huge difference in terms of appearance.

    Brazilian Butt Lift | Before & After

    Brazilian Butt Lift | Before & After

    I still believe that any exercise is good exercise but squats are not for everyone.  For those with chronic knee, hip or back pain squats can be tough to perform without risk of further injury.  I’ve seen the comments online which say “why waste your money on a bigger butt when you can just do squats?”  It’s a fair question but many of our Brazilian Butt Lift patients desire a significantly larger butt than squats can provide. If you look at our BBL patients’ before and after photos and compare them to before and after photos of the 30 day squat challenge you’ll see a pretty clear difference.

    For more information of services offered by Dr McCluskey and the Plastic Surgery Institute of Atlanta visit:

    The number of women looking for that perfect bubble booty is growing, and when squats just aren’t cutting it, the Brazilian Butt Lift is one of the best options. The procedure involves liposuctioning fat from other areas of the body to inject in to the buttocks. You can read more about it here or watch the video explanation here. Perfect if you’ve been gaining weight in all the wrong places, right?

    Brazilian Butt Lift | Plastic Surgery Institute of Atlanta

    So what happens if you’re pretty happy with the rest of your body but you want extra fat to be able to have the famed BBL? Naturally you run on out to the fast-food-calorie-loaded-carbocidal drive thru of your choosing right? Actually, you might be surprised to hear that, with in reason, putting on a couple extra pounds for the occasion might be just what the doctor ordered.pumpkin pie

    We don’t encourage adopting an unhealthy lifestyle, but if you allow yourself that cheat meal, and give the gym a little less love in the weeks proceeding your operation it will likely allow your procedure to give your butt that extra boost you want. If you are worried about the level of fat your body has for a transfer, discuss it with Dr McCluskey during your consultation and you can decide the best approach for your situation.

    If you are interested in a Brazilian Butt Lift call today and speak to our friendly staff! (404)255-3555

    For information on other procedures offered by Dr McCluskey and the Plastic Surgery Institute of Atlanta, visit

    Kim Kardashian is in the news as usual, but this time people are causing a stir by suggesting that the 33-year-old new mom dropped 50lbs not through hard work and dedication but through cosmetic surgery.



    You can read more about the story here, but the basic gist of the story is that, despite it being nearly six months since little North West was brought in to the world, a lot of people are extremely dubious that Kim could have naturally lost all that weight in that amount of time to the point of filming a nude video with her husband-to-be Kanye West.

    Reports suggest that Kim spent upwards of $60,000 to regain her infamous and highly sought after curvy figure after she piled on the lbs during her pregnancy, but she responded angrily claiming that she worked extremely hard to attain the hourglass shape that so many women desire.

    Whether Kim Kardashian had surgery or not, she looks great and thousands of women will continue to emulate her appearance. If she had not dropped the baby weight it’s very likely these same tabloids would have still slammed Kim and found a reason to discuss her post baby body. So, in reality, who cares? I think that most people with that many critics would do everything they can to look their best.

    Every one is talking about the amazing Brazilian Butt Lift and with these before and after pictures it’s easy to see why!

    If you’re interested in a Brazilian Butt Lift, arrange a consultation today by calling 404-255-3555

    Brazilian Butt Lift | Before & After

    Brazilian Butt Lift | Before & After

    Brazilian Butt Lift | Before & After

    Brazilian Butt Lift | Before & After

    Brazilian Butt Lift | Before & After

    Brazilian Butt Lift | Before & After

    Brazilian Butt Lift | Before & After

    Brazilian Butt Lift | Before & After

    Brazilian Butt Lift | Before & After

    For more information on procedures offered by Dr McCluskey and the Plastic Surgery Institute of Atlanta visit


    Brazilian Butt Lifts are all the rage right now! One question that a lot of our patients have is ‘how much fat is needed to be able to perform a Brazilian Butt Lift?’ Here Dr Paul McCluskey explains the entire procedure and how the amount of fat a patient has affects results. If you have any more questions on this or any of our other procedures just let us know!

    How would you like a consultation with Dr McCluskey? Call us on 404 255 3555 !


    For more information on procedures offered by Dr McCluskey and the Plastic Surgery Institute of Atlanta visit:

    Butt augmentation is hugely popular right now, and unfortunately there are some people looking to make a quick buck from the overwhelming demand. This just compounds why it is critical to research any doctor you consider visiting and make sure they are a certified physician. I don’t do “butt injections” or biogel or hydrogel injections.  I will work with patients who have had these injections and would like the injected material removed.  Unfortunately I frequently see patients who ask me if I can recommend someone that will do buttock injections.  I urge my patients not to undergo these injections.  I’ve sat with many women who come to me in tears with lumpy, deformed, and discolored buttocks who now want the material removed.  Many of them want to sue the person who injected the material but this person is typically someone who performed the injections at a home or hotel room under a veil of secrecy.  These injectors run a word of mouth business, sometimes through internet message boards because it is illegal to inject unknown substances into people.  No licensed provider can legally perform these injections.  We have no way to control or determine the identity of the injected substance.

    Let me rephrase this and address those who still aren’t convinced.  fixaflat
    When you seek out and undergo these hydrogel butt injections you have no idea what they’re injecting into your body, and guess what?  The person injecting the material has no idea what they’re injecting into you either.  That clear substance in the 60cc syringe could be rubber cement, or caulk or fix-a-flat, or it could be industrial grade silicone or industrial grade poly-methyl-methacrylate (PMMA).  The FDA does not control or regulate these injections because they are not legal – this is why those who are caught performing these injections for money (ie. providing a “medical service”) are prosecuted as criminals.  So just because a few of your friends loved the results of their “butt injections” and it doesn’t go away like fat doesn’t mean it’s safe or healthy.  The Fix-A-Flat website does not mention buttock injections as a possible use for the material, but it does say that Fix-a-flat is recommended for use on (non-Z rated, non motorcycle) tires only.  Also, consider this:  the patients who come to me for removal of the injected material or repair of the deformities caused by these injections are the lucky ones.  There are numerous recent stories (such as the woman pictured above) in the news of deaths resulting from these injections.  When I tell you, as my patient, that these injections are illegal and dangerous, I am doing so out of concern.  I am not trying to keep you from going elsewhere for injections or to prevent you from achieving the results you desire – I am trying to say in the nicest way that these injections kill people and it’s not worth the risk!

    Also consider that these injections are rarely performed under sterile conditions.  Recently I’ve treated a number of patients for mild to severe infections from buttock injections.  It is clear that the injections were either not performed in a sterile fashion, or the material itself is either contaminated (it is by definition a contaminant) or it causes a severe inflammatory reaction.  I have successfully treated a number of these patients with either systemic antibiotics or corticosteroids to resolve infection & inflammation.

    For patients seeking an alternative to dangerous butt injections please call my office for more information.  If nothing else we just want you to have the tools to make an informed decision.  If you’ve already had buttock injections and you’re having complications such as lumps, deformities, dimples, pain, infection, or discoloration I welcome your call as well.  I cannot promise that I will be able to remove the injected material but we can help you and there are a number of treatment options to alleviate some of these complications.

    For information on more procedures offered by Dr McCluskey visit

    It’s getting colder so we’re going to shift away from breast topics and talk about butts.  What do butts have to do with it getting colder?  Absolutely nothing but it’s always a great time of year to talk about butts.  The Brazilian butt lift procedure is wildly popular in Atlanta.  My plastic surgery office receives multiple calls every day requesting information about the Brazilian Butt Lift and it is now one of my most popular operations.  Because of the popularity of the Brazilian butt lift we’ve gained a great deal of experience in properly contouring & sculpting the buttocks based on the unique desires of our patients.  I love this procedure because it corrects and enhances multiple areas of the body with minimal risk and easy recovery.


    Brazilian butt lift

    In a typical Brazilian butt lift case I remove fat from the abdomen and waist (and possibly other areas such as inner and outer thighs, back, or arms) via liposuction.  I then process the fat, removing excess fluid from the aspirate to yield purified fat for injection.  This fat is placed both subcutaneously and submuscularly in multiple layers to build and sculpt the buttocks to a desired shape and size.  Depending on the amount of fat I’m able to aspirate from the patient I’ll typically transfer 400-1000 cc per side (cheek) and I’ll transfer 200-300cc into each hip region to provide a rounder contour.

    Keep in mind that there are two parts to the Brazilian Butt Lift procedure:

    1) Liposuction and liposculpture of the waist and lower back, and 2) Transfer of fat to the gluteal and hip region to enhance and sculpt the buttocks.  My aim with this procedure is to suction as much fat as possible to achieve a beautiful even contour with a slim waist and mid-section.  I often perform liposuction of the outer thighs, or “saddle bags” as well to further enhance the appearance of the buttocks.  Patients have a variety of goals with the Brazilian Butt lift procedure.  Some patients have always had what they describe as a flat butt and by slimming the waist with liposuction and transferring the fat to the buttocks I can give them that natural gluteal contour that they’ve always wanted.  They’ll look better both in and out of clothes and there won’t be any residual or noticeable scars.

    Celebrity Butt Lift Pictures

    Other patients who seek the Brazilian Butt Lift procedure want a significantly larger gluteal contour.  These patients often bring pictures of celebrities such as Jennifer Lopez (JLo), Nikki Minaj, or Kim Kardashian.  These women, whether their appearances are natural or surgically enhanced, have become known for their humongous derrières.  Kim Kardashian even underwent an X-ray on her television show to prove that her posterior assets are God-given and Jennifer Lopez recently had a Twitter feud with a fan about whether or not she’s undergone plastic surgery.   Whether or not she’s been enhanced by a plastic surgeon, she looks fantastic and her fans & followers both admire & seek to emulate her curves.  Call me for more information on the Brazilian Butt Lift or schedule a consultation to come in & see some of our amazing before/after photos.

    Plastic Surgery Institute of Atlanta, Dr. Paul McCluskey

    The number of plastic surgery procedures in the United States has increased significantly in recent years, with dramatic advancements in plastic surgery techniques and technology. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), about 14 million cosmetic procedures were performed in the country last year, ranging from Botox injections to buttock lifts, and from breast implants to nose jobs. The procedures have become safer and more effective, resulting in a higher rate of patient satisfaction.

    If you choose a plastic surgeon in Atlanta, there is no reason why you cannot achieve an enhanced appearance the way millions of Americans are doing already. Breast implants, chin augmentation, and Botox injections have been among the most popular treatments as per the figures collected by ASPS in recent years. Male procedures too are on the rise, with a growing number of men opting for eyelid lifts, nose jobs, and breast reductions. Apart from cosmetic surgeries, the number of reconstructive surgeries is also growing, with 5.5 million treatments performed in 2011.

    Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery in Atlanta

    The Plastic Surgery Institute of Atlanta, located in Atlanta, Georgia is a state of the art facility for a  range of cosmetic and reconstructive surgical and non-surgical procedures. The facility is headed by Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Paul McCluskey. Dr. McCluskey is passionate about providing the latest and best solutions to his patients so that he can help perserve their beauty and youth.

    The Plastic Surgery Institute of Atlanta offers a warm and friendly environment where patients can feel comfortable immediately and be assured of personalized care and attention from Dr. McCluskey and his trained staff. The facility ensures equal amount of care to every patient, irrespective of the size or nature of treatment sought, or whether it is a new patient or a regular guest. Patient satisfaction and patient loyalty that the practice enjoys is the biggest reward for Dr. McCluskey and his team.

    Range of Procedures

    The Plastic Surgery Institute of Atlanta is equipped to provide the best and most advanced treatments for cosmetic as well as reconstructive surgery, apart from several non-surgical cosmetic treatments. As a plastic surgeon in Atlanta, Dr. McCluskey has been chosen by many local patients in and around Atlanta who are in need of treatment. Dr. McCluskey can provide the best treatment options in cosmetic surgery for every patient, depending on the goals they may have for improving their face, body or breasts.

    The list of some of the key procedures performed at the facility includes the following:

    Facial Procedures

    • Ear Surgery
    • Browlift
    • Necklift
    • Facial Implants
    • Eyelid Surgery
    • Revision Rhinoplasty
    • Rhinoplasty
    • Facelift

    Body Contouring

    • Arm Lift
    • Body Lift
    • Brazilian Butt Lift
    • Liposuction
    • Mommy Makeover
    • Thigh Lift
    • Tummy Tuck

    Breast Procedures

    • Breast Augmentation
    • Breast Augmentation with Lift
    • Breast Lift
    • Breast Reduction
    • Breast Revision

    Non-Surgical Procedures

    • Chemical Peels
    • Dermal Fillers
    • Botox

    Major Cosmetic Surgeries

    Dr. McCluskey is a plastic surgeon in Atlanta that performs various major and minor cosmetic surgeries. Some of the key cosmetic procedures he  regularly executes are described as follows:

    Breast Procedures

    Breast implants, breast reduction and breast lift are three major cosmetic procedures offered at the Plastic Surgery Institute of Atlanta for women who wish to achieve a more proportionate breast size. Breast augmentation is provided with both silicone and saline implant options, depending on the patient’s needs. Breast reduction is available for both women and men, while breast lift is available as an independent procedure or in combination with breast implants.

    Facial Rejuvenation

    The Plastic Surgery Institute of Atlanta provides facial rejuvenation procedures, including surgical and non-surgical. Dr. McCluskey adopts safe and conservative techniques to perform full or partial facelift. If the patient just needs minor corrections, he may recommend rhinoplasty, brow lift, or eyelid lift.

    Body Contouring

    Moms who are in need to regain their pre-pregnancy body may opt for a mommy makeover, tummy tuck or liposuction, apart from breast correction procedures. The Plastic Surgery Institute of Atlanta is equipped to provide thigh lifts, arm lifts and other body surgeries to restore a more attractive and youthful figure.

    Meet Dr. Paul McCluskey

    The founder and head of the Plastic Surgery Institute of Atlanta, Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Paul McCluskey. Dr. McCluskey received a Bachelor of Science degree with Honors from Millsaps College in Jackson, Mississippi. He followed it with a medical degree from the University of Mississippi and completed an internship in Anesthesiology.

    Dr. McCluskey completed a five year residency in General Surgery. As Chief Resident, his breast reconstruction research was published and presented at a local and national level. He was privileged to be chosen for a highly competitive Plastic Surgery residency at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. In Dallas he trained alongside world-renowned leaders and innovators in the field of cosmetic plastic and reconstructive surgery. Dr McCluskey has been honored for his efforts as a teacher of residents and medical students, and he was a multi-year recipient of Resident of the Year awards.

    Click here to learn more about labiaplasty surgery in Atlanta performed by Dr. McCluskey.