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    Kim Kardashian’s ‘Mommy Makeover’?

    Kim Kardashian is in the news as usual, but this time people are causing a stir by suggesting that the 33-year-old new mom dropped 50lbs not through hard work and dedication but through cosmetic surgery.



    You can read more about the story here, but the basic gist of the story is that, despite it being nearly six months since little North West was brought in to the world, a lot of people are extremely dubious that Kim could have naturally lost all that weight in that amount of time to the point of filming a nude video with her husband-to-be Kanye West.

    Reports suggest that Kim spent upwards of $60,000 to regain her infamous and highly sought after curvy figure after she piled on the lbs during her pregnancy, but she responded angrily claiming that she worked extremely hard to attain the hourglass shape that so many women desire.

    Whether Kim Kardashian had surgery or not, she looks great and thousands of women will continue to emulate her appearance. If she had not dropped the baby weight it’s very likely these same tabloids would have still slammed Kim and found a reason to discuss her post baby body. So, in reality, who cares? I think that most people with that many critics would do everything they can to look their best.