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    Video: Dr McCluskey’s Exercise of the Week!

    Tag Archives: Plastic Surgery

    Exercise of the Week

    ‘Bikini season’ may have officially ended this past weekend but health, fitness and feeling good about yourself is always in season! Here at the Plastic Surgery Institute of Atlanta we are focused on helping our patients feel beautiful and that starts inside! Starting this week we will be bringing you weekly exercise moves that Dr McCluskey will be trying out all week. So, whether you’re adding a move to regular routine or learning something totally new, join in with us and help to make a healthier, happier you!

    This week’s move: The Burpee

    Not everyone’s favorite move, the ‘burpee’ is a simple move that helps raise the heart rate, while working the legs, shoulders AND core! Simply follow these steps and Dr McCluskey’s video guide below and complete your first burpee!

    1. Take a standing position

    2. Lower in to a squat and place hands on floor either side of your feet

    3. Kick your feet back to a plank position

    4. Perform a push up then return to plank position

    5. Kick feet back up to a squat position

    6. Spring back up to a standing position, jump and clap your hands.

    That’s one burpee! Now set a timer for one minute and perform as many as you can, do this every day and see your improvement!

    For more information on treatments and procedures offered offered by Atlanta Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Paul McCluskey visit:


    Plastic Surgeon | Cosmetic Surgeon | Facelift Risks | Atlanta, GAThe facelift is a major procedure performed by a cosmetic surgeon to restore a more youthful facial appearance. Once the surgeon recommends facelift as the most appropriate procedure to meet the patient’s aesthetic goals, it is up to the patient to decide whether to go ahead with it. Such a decision is highly personal, and the patient must evaluate the potential risks and complications, and choose the most trusted and reputed plastic surgeon for the procedure.

    The patient will be required to sign consent forms, which will commit that the patient is fully aware of the potential risks as well as safety issues involved with this procedure. Dr. Paul McCluskey is an experienced plastic surgeon providing facelift and other procedures to patients in Atlanta, GA and surrounding areas.

    Potential Risks and Complications

    The cosmetic surgeon will discuss the potential risks and complications during the initial consultation for facelift, and help the patient make an informed decision.

    Risks of General Anesthesia

    Facelift procedure may be performed using general anesthesia or intravenous sedation with local anesthesia. The decision will depend on the extent of surgery involved and other specific circumstances of a case. The skills and experience of the anesthesiologist are an important factor to ensure complete safety in case of general anesthesia.

    Risks of Bleeding

    The risk of excess bleeding is typically inherent in any major procedure performed by a plastic surgeon. To ensure total patient safety, the surgeon should advise the patient to stop taking any medications or herbal supplements that could augment the risk of bleeding. Medical history and previous surgeries of the patient should be evaluated to ensure that the patient is not at any abnormal risk of bleeding during surgery.

    Risks of Infection

    The patient is exposed to some degree of risk of infection during and after the procedure until the wounds have healed fully. The surgeon’s post-op care instructions should be followed carefully during recovery. The surgeon may provide antibiotic drugs to mitigate the risk of pre and post-surgery infection.

    Risks of Facial Nerve Injury

    A complex procedure such as facelift should only be performed by a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon. If any surgical error causes injury to facial nerves, it could cause undesirable side effects and muscular weakness in the area. A revision surgery may be necessary in such cases to correct the condition.

     Other Risks

    Poor wound healing, skin loss, permanent or temporary loss of hair in the area of the incisions, excess accumulation of fluid in the wounds, loss of sensation in the treated areas, acute or continuous pain, conspicuous scarring, persistent swelling, skin irregularities and discoloration in the treated areas are some of the other potential risks.

    If the surgery is performed less than perfectly in some case, it may result in asymmetry of the face, loss of natural facial integrity and identity, or unsatisfactory visible deformities at the incision ends. Dr. McCluskey advises patients in Atlanta, GA and other areas to receive the facelift procedure only from experienced and marvelous surgeons.

    For more information on treatments and procedures offered offered by Atlanta Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Paul McCluskey visit:

    shutterstock_137936729The face is the quintessential part of a person’s identity. However, when the face does not adequately reflect the personality or makes a person look older than they really are, it can be frustrating experience. A cosmetic surgeon may recommend a facelift procedure if the person is unhappy with the tired and worn out look on the face, droopy skin, and conspicuous lines and wrinkles in various parts of the face.

    A facelift procedure is performed by a plastic surgeon with an aim to turn the clock back to a more youthful facial appearance, and allow a person to age more subtly into the future. However, not everyone may be a fantastic candidate for a facelift. Dr. Paul McCluskey is an experienced facelift surgeon in Atlanta, GA, who will evaluate various factors during the initial consultation before recommend a facelift procedure to a patient.

    Who is a Suitable Candidate for a Facelift?

    The cosmetic surgeon will examine the overall health condition, previous surgeries, facial anatomy, current condition of the skin and texture, and the patient’s personal aesthetic goals before arriving at a conclusion about the most appropriate facial procedure. The following specific factors will be considered in depth:

    How elastic is the Facial Skin?

    Best candidates for a facelift surgery are individuals who still have some amount of skin elasticity in the face. If the skin is supple and flexible to an extent, the results with facelift will be more effective. The procedure involves stretching of the facial skin to smooth over the deep lines and wrinkles. Therefore, with a reasonably elastic facial skin, the results will be more natural looking.

    How is the Underlying Bone Structure?

    If the bone structure of the face is proportionate and well-defined, it will allow the plastic surgeon to build support for significant facial improvement. The bone structure will vary from one patient to another, so the surgeon will prepare a customized surgical approach for a facelift.

    General Health Status

    The surgeon will determine the condition of overall health of the patient and looking into the medical history as well. It is important the patient should not suffer from any such condition that could impede the surgical process or cause obstructions in recovery.

    Excess Fat and Skin

    Most candidates with mild to moderate condition of loose skin can benefit from a facelift because the excess skin from the face and neck will be excised during the procedure. Excess fat tissue may be reposition to other areas of the face or removed to achieve a smoother and more proportionate facial appearance.

    Clear Goals and Realistic Expectations

    Patients in the age group of 35 to 70 are usually marvelous candidates for a facelift surgery. Dr. McCluskey in Atlanta, GA assesses the patient’s personal aesthetic goals to ensure that these goals can be met with a facelift procedure. He believes that patients with a positive outlook, clear aesthetic goals, and realistic expectations will usually achieve higher satisfaction levels from a facelift in the end. He also makes sure that the patient’s essential facial integrity is retained while performed a facelift surgery.

    For more information on treatments and procedures offered offered by Atlanta Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Paul McCluskey visit:


    Facelift Surgery Recovery | Atlanta, GA | Cosmetic Surgeon | Plastic SurgeryFacelift is a fairly complex procedure performed by a cosmetic surgeon to reduce the signs of aging and achieve facial rejuvenation. The surgeon will practically lift the skin off the face and tighten the loose muscles and tissue underneath. Recovery in a facelift procedure is likely to vary slightly between two patients.

    This can depend on the surgical technique used by the plastic surgeon, the extent of surgery performed, and the natural healing ability of the patient. Dr. Paul McCluskey provides this procedure to his patients in Atlanta, GA and surrounding communities. During the initial consultation, Dr. McCluskey will discuss various aspects of the facelift procedure, including the estimated recovery process.

    Major Aspects in Facelift Recovery

    Facelift recovery will involve several aspects apart from physical recovery, such as social recovery, emotional recovery, and recovery of natural skin sensation. As the procedure involves the facial integrity and identity of a person, the social and emotional aspects of the recovery may become as important as the physical aspects. Recovery period, on average, will range from two to three weeks. The cosmetic surgeon will remove the sutures in about a week or 10 days.

    After the removal of sutures, most patients may be able to return to work, provided it does not involve excessive physical strain. However, if the patient is very keen to keep the procedure discreet, it may be a marvelous idea to stay home for at least two weeks. Some degree of residual swelling will still be present after two weeks, but it can be managed with makeup. Bruising will significantly reduce within a week. Patients with a natural thin face have an advantage because the mild swelling will show as a sort of subtle fullness of the face, and will be less noticeable to others.

    By the third week, the treated areas will improve and mature substantially. Most patients will experience numbness of the skin around the ears, but it will resolve naturally in a few weeks. Mild firmness will occur in areas that support the sutures, but this will not be visible to others. As an experienced plastic surgeon, Dr. McCluskey will provide detailed post-op instructions that should be followed diligently for faster and safer recovery. Patients in Atlanta, GA and other areas have an opportunity to receive facelift procedure from him.

    Recovery Tips

    The patient should refrain from driving for the first three to five days because the mild stiffness in the neck may cause pain when turning the head. The patient should drive only when the course of pain medications has been completed. On a first drive after the procedure, the patient should not drive alone and keep another person along who can manage the situation in case the patient feels tired.

    Patients with very active social engagements will have to make up their mind regarding when to resume their social activities. It will take at least two weeks for the obvious signs of a facial procedure to subside. The patient can adopt subtle changes in hairstyle and makeup to camouflage the visible signs of a facelift procedure.

    For more information on treatments and procedures offered offered by Atlanta Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Paul McCluskey visit:

    It’s no secret that there are plenty of negative side effects associated with smoking. Along side the obvious health risks that you are taking when you choose to smoke, the signs of your bad habit will be all over your skin too. ‘Smokers face’ is a term that has long been used to describe the older and greying skin that many long term smoker possess thanks to chemicals that starve the skin of oxygen and stop the ‘glow’. Here are some of the ways that smoking damages your skin:


    Both the blood supply and skin cells are damaged by chemicals in cigarette smoke which leads to drier and more wrinkle prone skin. Carbon monoxide strips the oxygen from the blood that is vital in keeping skin supple and healthy, while free radicals cause cell changes that contribute to wrinkles. On top of the chemical causes of wrinkles, the constant sucking action lead to those tell-tale wrinkles around the mouth.


    Nicotine causes vasoconstriction (or narrowing of the veins) which means less blood supply can get to wounds in the healing process. Not only can this be an issue from a surgical standpoint but it also leads to scars that are darker, larger and take longer to heal than they would be in non-smokers.


    Psoriasis is an auto-immune skin condition that effects many people, smokers and non-smokers alike, causing skin redness, irritation and scaly, flaky skin. Even though people who have never touched a cigarette suffer from this condition, those who smoke have a 60% higher chance of developing psoriasis than their non-smoking counterparts.

    Skin Cancer

    Excessive sun light exposure is the dominant factor behind skin cancer cases world wide, but studies show that smoking also increases your risk of developing this type of cancer as well as numerous others such as oral and lung cancer.

    Avoiding smoking is beneficial in many different ways from the superficial to long term health and reduces many risks associated with surgery.

    For more information on procedures offered by Dr McCluskey and the Plastic Surgery Institute of Atlanta visit:

    We all know that there are many, many reasons to stop smoking: the health complications are extensive and the effect on you appearance alone are hugely significant. Smoking also adds a significantly higher risk of complications when it comes to surgery. As a rule I don’t operate on smokers. I try to work with patients that do smoke to set parameters for their safety or to help them to stop smoking completely (if they are interested). If you are a chronic smoker then during your consultation I will explain the risks of smoking with regard to plastic surgery and I’ll ask you to stop smoking one month prior to surgery and one month afterward.  It might sound like a big challenge, but I’m asking you to cease smoking for a period of one month.


    Even if you follow these instructions to the letter and quit smoking one month before and one month after surgery you are still at risk for many of the complications typical for smokers, naturally it’s always preferable that patients stop smoking completely. One of the many reasons smoking is problematic in regards to surgery is that chemicals found in cigarettes cause blood to clot less easily which can be extremely problematic, . If you are a smoker any issues or questions you may have will be discussed in detail at your consultation so that you can be fully educated and prepared before scheduling surgery.

    To learn more about procedures offered by Dr McCluksey and the Plastic Surgery Institute of Atlanta visit and

    Rhinoplasty (Nose Job) Surgery Atlanta | Plastic Surgeon | SurgeryThe success of any medical procedure depends on how well the communication is between the doctor and the patient. Full disclosure of a patient’s expectations and past helps the doctor choose the right treatment option while all pros and cons being discussed with the patients ensure they are aware of what they should do before and after a surgery is performed. In the world cosmetic and plastic surgeries too, this rule holds equal importance. After all, one has to live with that surgically corrected nose all life!

    Questions to ask your plastic surgeon

    Rhinoplasty is the procedure wherein a person’s nose is corrected in shape and/or size for cosmetic and/or medical purposes. People who are unable to breathe freely due to a crooked septum (the central ridge inside the nose that divides the nostrils) find this as important as a person who has broken his nose during a soccer game. No matter what the cause of the surgery is, all patients must ask a few basic questions before getting the surgery done, such as:

    1. How much does it cost and is any of it covered by insurance?
    2. What should be done in terms of food and supplements consumed and what changes to lifestyles are required before and after surgery?
    3. Where the procedure will be done?
    4. How shall it be done – closed (within the nostrils) or open (through the tiny strip of skin between the nostrils at the base of the nose?
    5. How the incisions shall be made – which depends on what results are expected by the patient
    6. Should the nostrils be made wider post-surgery?
    7. How the nose would look after the surgery?
    8. Would the breathing problems be reduced or are any more procedures required?
    9. Is the plastic surgeon performing the procedure certified to do so and how well does he do it? Does he have experience in doing these surgeries?


    How is the surgery done?

    Depending on the discussions between the patient and the surgeon, the amount of work to be done is decided by the cosmetic surgeon. Rhinoplasty is quite a simple procedure. Its most important steps are:

    1. Your cosmetic surgeon will decide if the incision is to be within the nostril or outside
    2. Once the incision is made, the places to be corrected are identified. It may be the cartilage, the septum, the nostrils or the tissues within the nose.
    3. Septums that are crooked or dented can be corrected by re-aligning the cartilage there.
    4. Where required, cartilage is to be added (The cartilage is taken from the ear or, very rarely, from the patient’s ribcage).
    5. If the nose is too thick, removal or cartilage or the tissues is done.
    6. On the corrected structure then, the nose’s outer skin and tissues are replaced and bound well. This ensures the nose shape remains intact post-surgery and heals quickly.


    To avoid suffering from any post-surgery risks such as bleeding or breathing problems, make sure you visit reputed surgeons such as Dr. Paul McCluskey . He operates in Atlanta, GA and has knowledge as well  experience of this procedure. Several people have benefited with better looks with a simple procedure such as rhinoplasty.

    For more information on treatments and procedures offered offered by Atlanta Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Paul McCluskey visit:



    Rhinoplasty (Nose Job) Surgery Atlanta | Plastic Surgeon | SurgeryRhinoplasty, compared to other plastic or cosmetic procedures, is more commonly performed as it takes lesser time and creates a marked difference in the appearance of a person. By adding or removing some tissues and cartilage, or correcting the shape of the central ridge in the nose, it can be made to look sharper, finer and certain respiratory issues can also be solved.

    Understanding the surgery

    Dr. Paul McCluskey, a renowned plastic surgeon in Atlanta, GA, has treated several patients both local and from other states. He firmly believes that the patient should first make clear what he/she wishes to get out of the procedure, before it is done. Making changes to the nose is process that takes effort and skill. Is the patient is not too clear about what is required, it becomes hard to do corrective surgeries in the same place.

    Patients should always ask some key questions before agreeing to the surgery:

    1. Are they suitable candidates for the surgery?
    2. What technique will be used?
    3. What shape will the nose take post-surgery – does it match the rest of your face?
    4. Is the surgeon a qualified plastic and/or cosmetic surgeon approved by the American Board of Plastic Surgery or a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons?
    5. What the complications may arise and how can they be dealt with?
    6. How long does the procedure take and what are the precautions to be taken before and after the surgery is done?

    Risks your cosmetic surgeon will tell you about

    Patients get this surgery done for two reasons – to improve the shape of the nose or to get rid of breathing problems. Some patients have even mentioned that they do not snore post rhinoplasty surgeries! The patients must look at before and after pictures of the nose and their face before selecting what look they prefer. This helps the surgeon make the incision accordingly inside the nose or at the base of it. There are some risks associated with this type of surgery though, just like every other medical or cosmetic procedure has. The common ones are:

    1. Bleeding
    2. The septum may not have been filled correctly which may leave you with holes in the central ridge inside your nose or with injuries to it.
    3. Complications arising due to improper use of anesthesia
    4. Skin complications such as skin necrosis, which means disintegration of the skin off the nose and adverse reactions to the bandaging.
    5. Nasal blockage due to swelling inside the nose
    6. Infection, if antibiotics are not properly used post-surgery.

    An experienced plastic surgeon will ensure you do not suffer any complications while resolving all issues related to your nose as effectively as possible. Perfectly made incisions and adjustments ensure you do not need any corrective surgeries, so make sure you choose a reliable surgeon who takes every aspect of the surgery importantly, just like Dr. McCluskey does!

    For more information on treatments and procedures offered offered by Atlanta Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Paul McCluskey visit:

    Rhinoplasty (Nose Job) Surgery Atlanta | Plastic Surgeon | SurgeryOut of the several cosmetic and corrective surgeries done all over the world, rhinoplasty or nose correction is the most popular procedures done. Just correcting the way a nose looks can change a person’s entire appearance and also solve respiratory problems, for those who suffer from them. This is a relatively minor surgery that has a major impact and is in high demand. Read on to know more about this procedure.

    What to discuss with the plastic surgeon

    Although this is simpler than other plastic surgeries conducted, you must discuss every angle of a rhinoplasty with a reputed plastic or cosmetic surgeon. Most of us are aware that appearances can be altered with this surgery, but you should also know that certain respiratory problems also require patients to get their noses corrected. The nose gets its shape from the bones and cartilage supporting it. So the surgery mainly is to make adjustments to them and nose tissue.

    Dr. Paul McCluskey, who has treated several patients in Atlanta, GA successfully, attributes his success to the helpful inputs he receives from his patients. The clearer they are with what they want, the easier it becomes for him to make the changes. Some of the things included in the checklist before the surgery are:

    1. What kind of look you are aiming to achieve with the surgery
    2. If there are respiratory problems you want corrected
    3. Your past medical history and any allergies that you may have
    4. What kind of medicines you are currently taking, including any food supplements you taking such as vitamins and herbs and so on
    5. Your alcohol, tobacco and drug use, if any.

    Steps of the surgery

    The surgery can be listed in a few simple steps:

    1. You consult your surgeon and decide what your objectives out of the procedure are.
    2. You get local or general anesthesia, depending on the extent of the surgery required, the more extensive ones require general anesthesia.
    3. The surgeon makes the incision within the nose (closed procedure) or across the thin strip of skin between the nostrils at the base of the nose – the columella (open procedure).
    4. The cartilage within the nose is then added to or removed, depending on whether you want to just correct the look of the nose or make it sharper. Cartilage, if to be added, is taken from the ear or the rib can be used on the septum, the ridge in the middle of the nose.
    5. If the septum is crooked, that can be corrected too.
    6. Once the necessary changes are done, the skin as well as tissues are replaced on the new structure and the incisions are covered up.

    The nose is then wrapped with bandages for some time so it can heal quickly.Getting rhinoplasty done does not take much time and the benefits remain forever. By taking a few simple steps, you can improve the look of your face and breathe more easily. Recovery time is very short and you can lead a relatively normal life shortly after the surgery. So go ahead and get in touch with your plastic surgeon today to get more details about it!

    For more information on treatments and procedures offered offered by Atlanta Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Paul McCluskey visit:

    Liposuction Before After Photos Atlanta | Plastic Surgery | CosmeticLiposuction is among the more popular procedures performed by a cosmetic surgeon in the U.S. today. Advanced surgical techniques and technologies have made the procedure safer, less invasive, and more effective. During the initial consultation, the plastic surgeon will explain all aspects of the procedure, and may also provide liposuction before and after pictures for a better explanation about the procedure’s benefits. Dr. Paul McCluskey provides this surgery to his patients in and around Atlanta, GA.

    What are Liposuction Before and After Pictures?

    Before and after pictures in case of liposuction refer to a pair or group of images belonging to a previous patient who has received the same procedure successfully. The pictures include images taken prior to the liposuction surgery and after the surgery at a time when the bruising and swelling has subsided, and full effects of the procedure have appeared. The cosmetic surgeon will take these pictures with the consent of the patient, and present them before new patients in a discreet way. Liposuction Before and After Photos

    The objective of these photographs is to educate new patients about various aspects of the liposuction surgery. The surgeon will use these pictures during initial consultation as a visual aid to help the patient make an informed decision. Dr. McCluskey tries to ensure that these images are made available to every patient during the initial consultation process.


    Liposuction procedure can be a minor procedure in some cases, or a major surgery involving multiple areas of the body, in some other cases. When a new patient is considering liposuction surgery, they may not have a clear idea of what exactly the procedure can do for them, and how it can help fulfill their aesthetic needs. This is where the plastic surgeon will make use of liposuction before and after photographs.

    The photos will help the patient understand how their appearance may be enhanced with different treatment approaches, techniques or surgical combinations. If the patient needs liposuction in conjunction with tummy tuck, breast lift, body contouring or another surgery, the appropriate before and after photos can show the different possibilities to the patient to help them make the right choice.

    Staying Realistic about Results

    Experienced surgeons are aware that the best satisfaction levels in any plastic surgery procedure such as liposuction can be achieved only when the patient has a positive outlook, clear goals, and realistic expectations. Liposuction before and after photos can be used to make sure that the patient knows exactly what to expect and what not to expect from the surgery.

    Liposuction is not a weight loss surgery, and it is also not suitable for removal of stretch marks or cellulite from the skin. With before and after photos, the risk of patient over-expecting or wrongly expecting the results becomes mitigated.

    Digital Photos

    Liposuction ‘before and after’ images can also be posted on the surgeon’s website. New patients or those interested in the procedure can access the photos from the website even before they make up their mind about visiting the surgeon’s office for an initial consultation.

    For more information on treatments and procedures offered offered by Atlanta Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Paul McCluskey visit: