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    Liposuction Recovery – What to Expect

    Tag Archives: Plastic Surgery

    Liposuction recovery process can differ from one patient to another depending on the extent of surgery performed, the surgical technique adopted by the cosmetic surgeon, and the patient’s natural healing ability. Dr. Paul McCluskey will discuss the recovery process with his patients in Atlanta, GA and surrounding areas during the initial consultations.

    Expected Recovery Period

    Most patients will take at least a week to recover enough to be able to go back to work. In case the plastic surgeon has performed the procedure in multiple areas, they may advise the patient to stay off work for about 10 to 14 days. Immediately after the procedure, the treated areas will be wrapped using a compressive garment with compression pads. This helps expedite healing and reduces swelling.

    Conspicuous swelling will subside fast, but complete swelling may get resolved over several months. The patient will continue to feel better as new contours and enhance appearance emerge gradually over a few months. In most cases, the cosmetic surgeon may place small, temporary drains beneath the skin to remove any excess blood or fluid in the first few days after the procedure.

    Queries and Instructions

    The surgeon may provide specific instructions to follow during the recovery period, which may include the following:

    • How to take proper care for the treated areas and drains.
    • When to take pain medications and other drugs to minimize the chances of infection.
    • Typical symptoms to look for in the treated areas as well as in general health condition, when the surgeon must be contacted.
    • When to make the first follow-up visit to the plastic surgeon.

    Dr. McCluskey encourages his patients in Atlanta, GA and other areas to ask questions and clear any doubts regarding the recovery process. Some of the common questions that a patient should ask may include the following:

    • Whether the surgeon will prescribe the medications during recovery?
    • Will dressing or bandages have to be worn continuously after surgery and for how long?
    • When will the stitches be removed?
    • When is it appropriate to go back to work, and when to resume light exercises?

    Other Aspects of Recovery

    If the liposuction procedure is performed using tumescent technique, the use of general anesthesia will be avoided. The procedure can also be less invasive in case of laser assisted liposuction. In such cases, the recovery will be faster and the process will be well tolerated overall. Pain and discomfort gets reduced if the procedure is performed in a single area, or performed using less invasive techniques.

    It is possible in many cases to conceal the treated areas behind clothing. Therefore, the patient will not attract needless attention on returning to work. After the first week, the tight compression garment can be removed to take a shower, but should be continuously worn through the first two to three weeks. The patient should not try to seek immediate gratification from the results because that may cause unnecessary frustration during the initial days. The full results may take several months to appear.

    For more information on treatments and procedures offered offered by Atlanta Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Paul McCluskey visit:

    Liposuction Cost Atlanta | Plastic Surgery | Cosmetic Surgeon Laser LipoLiposuction is a procedure performed by a cosmetic surgeon to reduce excess fat deposits from targeted areas in the body. The procedure may be combined with various other body contouring surgeries to achieve more comprehensive outcomes in a relatively less invasive manner.

    Dr. Paul McCluskey in Atlanta, GA is an experienced plastic surgeon providing liposuction surgery. During the initial consultation, he will discuss various aspects of the surgery with his patients, including the cost aspect.

    Factors Affecting Cost

    Liposuction cost may vary from one practice to another as well as from one patient to another at the same practice. A number of factors will go into determining the final price.

    Location of the Practice

    The cost of living index will typically differ between two geographical regions. This index can influence the average cost of most types of products and services, including the services provided by a cosmetic surgeon. For instance, the cost of liposuction in Atlanta, GA may not be the same as the cost in, say, San Francisco, CA.

    Fee Charged by the Surgeon

    The plastic surgeon may charge a fee according to their academic qualifications, training, experience, and recognition in the field of cosmetic surgery. As per the recommendations of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), patients should opt for the best surgeon for their needs, and surgeon’s fee should be considered only as a secondary factor in such a choice.

    Operating Room and Anesthesia Costs

    The surgeon may decide to perform liposuction using general anesthesia or intravenous sedation, depending on the case. Anesthesiologist’s fee can differ on the basis of their skills and experience. Surgical facility costs will depend to an extent on the kind of technologies, equipment, experience staff and personalized services are provided at a particular place.

    Nature of Surgery

    Liposuction procedure is fairly customizable, and it may involve one part of the body or multiple areas. A minor liposuction could involve small areas such as cheeks, neck, knees, or ankles. Major areas could include abdominal area, buttocks, thighs, and calves. The choice of technique may include the use of lasers, ultrasound, or other technologies. The length and complexity of the procedure will make a difference to the overall cost.

    Average Cost of Procedure

    As per the statistics released by the ASPS for 2013, the average cost of liposuction surgery in the United States was $2,866. However, the ASPS clarified that this cost does not cover the costs of anesthesia, operating room costs, and other related expenses.

    The final cost of the procedure will depend on the extent and nature of treatment and other factors. If liposuction is performed in conjunction with other plastic surgery procedures, the cost may reduce as a part of a package.

    Insurance and Finance

    Liposuction costs are not covered under health insurance, unless the procedure is performed for a specific medical purpose. Patients should explore various financing options such as personal loans, bank loans, credit card extended payments, and loans through medical care finance companies. The surgeon’s office may be able to provide guidance or assistance with regard to insurance and financing.

    For more information on treatments and procedures offered offered by Atlanta Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Paul McCluskey visit:

    Plastic Surgeon | Cosmetic Surgeon | Atlanta, GA | Facelift PhotosPlastic Surgeon | Cosmetic Surgeon | Atlanta, GA | Facelift Photos

    The facelift has emerged as one of the popular procedures in cosmetic surgery in recent years. The procedure is highly customizable, depending on the unique facial anatomy and personal aesthetic needs of a patient. During the initial consultation for facelift, the plastic surgeon will discuss all aspects of the surgery, including the expected recovery process.

    The recovery in case of a facelift surgery will typically vary from one patient to another. The recovery can depend on several factors such as the extent of surgery performed, the surgical technique employed, the skills of the surgeon, and the patient’s innate ability to heal. Patients in Atlanta, GA and surrounding communities may consult with Dr. Paul McCluskey for facelift surgery.


    What are Facelift Before and After Images?

    Before and after images in case of facelift surgery refer to a pair or group of pictures relating to an earlier patient who has received the same surgery with successful results. The photos include images taken before the surgery and after the surgery at a time when full effects of facelift are visible. The plastic surgeon will obtain these pictures with the consent of the patient, and will show them to new patients in a discreet manner.

    The goal of the surgeon is only to educate new patients about various aspects of facelift surgery, and help them make an informed decision. With the help of facelift before and after photos, the surgeon can effectively demonstrate the potential effectiveness of the procedure. Dr. McCluskey tries to ensure that his patients in and around Atlanta, GA are provided with facelift surgery before and after pictures at the time of the initial consultation.



    When a new patient decides to walk into the office of a surgeon for facelift cosmetic surgery, the patient may not necessarily be aware of how exactly a facelift may help meet their personal aesthetic goals. Some patients may only need a partial procedure, such as a rhinoplasty, eyelid lift, brow lift, or chin augmentation, while in other cases, the patient may need a full facelift along with a neck lift.

    In some cases, only a mini facelift surgery may suffice. The patient can get confused with so many treatment options, and may find it difficult to make the right choice in their particular case. This is where the facelift before and after pictures will come in handy, and the surgeon can use them to ensure that the patient makes the most appropriate choices to meet their individual aesthetic goals.


    Staying Realistic

    Patients with realistic expectations usually achieve the highest levels of satisfaction in any aesthetic procedure. During the initial consultation, the cosmetic surgeon will use the facelift before and after pictures to ensure that the patient knows exactly what to expect and what not to expect from the procedure.

    With before and after pictures, the risk of a misunderstanding is mitigated, and the patient is saved from any potential disappointment that could occur if the patient had formed wrong or unrealistic expectations from a facelift surgery.


    Liposuction Surgery Atlanta | Lipo  Plastic Surgery | Cosmetic SurgeonLiposuction is a procedure performed by a cosmetic surgeon to reduce excess fat deposits from specific parts of the body, and improve the body contour and proportion. The procedure effectively reshapes and reduces such pockets in the body where stubborn fats do not respond to diet or exercise. Dr. Paul McCluskey is an experienced plastic surgeon providing liposuction procedure to his patients in and around Atlanta, GA.

    Areas of Treatment

    Liposuction can be performed in various areas of the body that are typically vulnerable to the deposition of excess fat tissue. These localized fat pocket areas may include the following:

    • Thighs
    • Hips and buttocks
    • Abdomen and waist
    • Upper arms
    • Back
    • Inner knee
    • Chest area
    • Cheeks, chin and neck
    • Calves and ankles

    Liposuction is one of the unique procedures that can easily be performed along with several other types of procedures performed by a cosmetic surgeon. However, liposuction also has its limitations, and patients should be clear what it can or cannot do for them. It is not a weight reduction procedure, and it is not an effective solution to reduce cellulite. As an experienced plastic surgeon, Dr. McCluskey will explain all aspects of liposuction with his patients in Atlanta, GA during the initial consultation.


    The liposuction procedure involves surgical insertion of tiny, slender tubes or cannula through small incisions made discreetly in targeted areas of the body. Excess fat is suctioned out through the cannula as the surgeon moves them underneath the skin to dislodge specific fat deposits. Some of the key techniques to perform liposuction today include the following:

    Tumescent Liposuction

    This technique involves the injecting of a significant amount of lidocaine local anesthetic solution into the targeted fatty tissue before the traditional liposuction can be performed. This technique usually helps in the avoidance of general anesthesia during the procedure.

    Ultrasound Liposuction

    This innovative technique involves the use of ultrasound energy to liquefy the stubborn fat cells, which makes them easier to dislodge. The surgeon may use this technique to remove unwanted fats from the upper abdominal area, sides, and back.

    Laser Liposuction

    Low energy laser beams are aimed at the targeted fat deposits in this technique. The intense laser energy helps liquefy the fat, which is then removed through a tiny cannula. Laser liposuction makes the treatment relatively less invasive compared to traditional techniques.

    Recovery and Results

    The length of the recovery in case of liposuction will depend on the type of technique used, the areas of treatment and the patient’s natural ability to heal. The treated areas will be wrapped firmly in elastic bandage to help reduce bruising and swelling. The compression garment may have to be worn for about three to four weeks.

    Most people are able to get up and move immediately after the procedure, once the effects of anesthesia or sedation have disappeared. On average, it takes about a week to 10 days before the patient can return to work or perform other light activities normally. Results of liposuction are long lasting, providing the patient maintains an active lifestyle and a balanced and healthy diet.

    For more information on treatments and procedures offered offered by Atlanta Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Paul McCluskey visit:

    Breast Augmentation Before and After Photos AtlantaBreast augmentation is a fairly customizable procedure with choices available for breast implants and the placement of incisions and positioning of implants. A fantastic and judicious cosmetic surgeon will educate the patient about various options before finalizing a treatment plan for breast implant surgery.

    Dr. Paul McCluskey is an experienced plastic surgeon who makes use of breast augmentation before and after photographs to help his patients make the right choices. Patients in Atlanta, GA and surrounding communities have an opportunity to receive state of the treatments at his practice.

    What are Breast Implant Before and After Images?

    Before and after images in case of breast augmentation surgery refer to a pair or group of pictures belonging to an earlier patient who has received the same procedure successfully. The pictures include images taken prior to the surgery and after the surgery at a time when bruising and swelling have resolved and the full effects can be seen clearly.

    The cosmetic surgeon will take these pictures in a discreet way with the consent of the patient, and with the sole intent to educate new patients about various aspects of breast implant surgery. The pictures serve as a visual tool to explain the potential effectiveness of the procedure to the patient.

    Making the Right Choice of Implants

    In breast augmentation surgery, the final outcome can often be impacted by the choice that a patient makes initially about the type of breast implants. Breast implants are available saline and silicone types, and the shape of the implants can be round or teardrop shaped. Sizes of implants can range from 120cc to 960cc. Even the projection of implants, which refers to their distance from the chest wall, can be different.

    Choosing the most appropriate combination can be difficult for a patient. This is where the plastic surgeon can use breast augmentation before and after photos to help the patient make the right choice according to their aesthetic needs. Dr. McCluskey uses these pictures for his patients in Atlanta, GA during the initial consultation for breast implants.

    Keeping Pragmatic Expectations

    When a new patient decides to visit the surgeon’s office for a breast implant consultation, she may only have a vague idea of how this procedure may enhance the size of her breasts. Some patients may have a completely different picture in mind about how they will appear after the surgery.

    This can lead to misplaced expectations, which can cause disappointment in the end for the patient, even if the procedure is performed exactly as per the treatment plan. Such undesirable situations can be avoided when the surgeon makes use of breast augmentation before and after images. This will ensure the patient keeps pragmatic expectations and achieves the best satisfaction from the procedure.

    Including Pictures on the Website

    Plastic surgeons may choose to provide a set of breast augmentation before and after photos on their practice website. This can help new patients access the pictures in the comfort and privacy of their home or office even before they are ready to visit the surgeon for an initial consultation.

    For more information on treatments and procedures offered offered by Atlanta Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Paul McCluskey visit:

    Patients of all ages come to a consultation with Dr. McCluskey with a common question: How do I get natural looking, fuller lips? Luckily for them there are a wealth of options to help these patients achieve the look they desire!image-lip

    There are four equally effective procedures that can give patients the ample lips they desire, return a youthful appearance, and help with any loss of the cupids bow.There are many reasons patients seek lip augmentation. Fuller, plumper lips with the desirable cupids bow are traditionally associated with youth and beauty, so for those who have either lost or have never had fullness of the lips, augmentation can create a beautiful difference. Loss of fullness in the lips is extremely common with age, as well as the space between the nose and top lip elongating to give a drawn and drooping appearance to the mouth.

     Fillers (like Restylane or Juvederm)

    In the hands of a skilled surgeon fillers give an beautifully natural fullness to the lips. Fillers are a fantastic option for those who are concerned with the permanence of the procedure as results will fade in 6-12months.

    Fat Transfer

    The most cost effective treatment option, fat transfer involves harvesting fat through liposuction and injecting the fat in to the lips as desired. This can be combined with a liposuction procedure or the amount of fat needed can simply be gathered. With fat transfer, up to 50% of the fat will be reabsorbed in to the body so it essential to transfer a greater quantity of fat to achieve the final look.

    Lip implant


    This is an option for a fuller lip is the insertion of a lip implant, like Permalip, which are available in thee sizes: 3mm, 4mm and 5mm.

    Lip Lift

    A lip lift is a simple procedure that involves making an incision just below the nose to lift the lip creating a more youthful top lip. With this procedure the scar is invisible hidden below the nose, it is most commonly combined with one of the above procedures to also give a fuller lip.

    In the caring hands of an experienced surgeon all options above will result in natural, youthful outcomes and satisfied patients. The procedure used in each case is completely unique to the patient’s aesthetic goals. Each of these procedures can be performed under local anesthesia, or a dental block numbing the mouth with swelling commonly lasting from two to five days and patients returning to their usual activities, including eating, almost immediately. As with all procedures it is extremely important that the patient follows their Doctor’s postoperative instructions!

    For information on other procedures offered by Dr. McCluskey and the Plastic Surgery Institute of Atlanta, visit

    Atlanta, Roswell Breast Augmentation Surgery Recovery Breast augmentation is a major plastic surgery procedure designed to enhance the size of breasts by insertion of saline or silicone implants. The recovery in this surgery can differ from one patient to another, depending on a number of factors. The skill and technique with which the cosmetic surgeon performed the surgery, the choice of implants, the extent of surgery, and the natural healing capacity of the patient will determine the course of recovery.

    Dr. Paul McCluskey is an experienced plastic surgeon providing breast implant surgery to patients in Atlanta, GA and nearby areas. He will discuss the recovery process with his patients in detail at the time of initial consultation. Patients who are concerned about the pain involved, risks and length of recovery can address their doubts and concerns during the consultation.

    Initial Recovery Phase

    Once the surgery is completed, the patient will be taken to the recovery area at the surgical facility and kept for a few hours under monitoring and observation. The patient’s breasts will be wrapped in dressings, and a surgical bra may be provided for additional support. Most patients will have to wear the support bra for several weeks to hasten the healing process. The procedure is likely to be performed general anesthesia, but a majority of patients are in a position to go back home the same day.

    As an experienced plastic surgeon, Dr. McCluskey recommends his patients in Atlanta, GA to arrange for someone to drive them home, and preferably stay with them overnight for the first night. Before leaving, the surgeon  may provide the patient with a set of instructions to be followed during the initial recovery period. Medications to provide relief from pain and prevent infection may be prescribed for a few days. A follow-up visit date of around one week from the date of surgery will be given to the patient.

    First 10 Days of Recovery

    Mild pain and soreness in the breasts will be experienced for the first five to seven days. Swelling and bruising is common during the initial weeks, but will start reducing after the first week if the patient follows recovery instructions of the cosmetic surgeon carefully. Most patients are in a position to go back to work after the first week once the sutures have been removed.

    However, strenuous activities and heavy lifting should be avoided for about four to six weeks. Tightness in the chest and mild difficulties in breathing are common during the first week or 10 days. During this period, the patient may try to rest in a semi-upright position as far as possible.

    Contacting the Plastic Surgeon

    Most patients will remain comfortable with the pain relieving medications as prescribed by the surgeon for the first few days. However, if the patient feels unusually sharp and persistent pain in the treated areas, she should contact the surgeon promptly. A stinging or burning sensation in the wounds, acute or unusual swelling in the breasts, or formation of pus are also symptoms that must not be ignored.

    For more information on treatments and procedures offered offered by Atlanta Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Paul McCluskey visit:

    Breast Augmentation Surgery Cost AtlantaPre-op consultations are an important part of the process in any cosmetic surgery procedure such as breast augmentation. The cosmetic surgeon will discuss various aspects of the procedure with the patient, including the estimated costs. The goal is to help the patient make an informed decision. As an experienced plastic surgeon in Atlanta, GA, Dr. Paul McCluskey ensures that his patients are fully apprised of the cost aspect at the time of initial consultation.

    Basic Cost Related Queries

    During the initial consultation for breast augmentation, the patients should ask a few basic questions to clarify their doubts, including questions related to the cost of procedure. The questions may include some or all of the following:

    • What is expected total cost of the breast implant procedure?
    • Does the cost estimate include or exclude the costs of breast implants, medical tests, post-op visits and surgical garments?
    • What about the anesthesia costs and the costs of the surgical facility?
    • Are any financing options available via the office of the cosmetic surgeon?

    Insurance Aspects

    In most cases, breast augmentation is performed as an elective procedure for cosmetic purposes. Therefore, the cost may not be covered under the patient’s health plan. However, if the procedure is performed for restorative reasons following a mastectomy or breast injury, full or partial costs may be covered by the health insurer.

    As an experienced plastic surgeon, Dr. McCluskey will address the patient’s queries with regard to various aspects adequately. Patients in and around Atlanta, GA may consult with him for breast augmentation and other procedures.

    Average Costs

    The cost of breast augmentation may be broken down into several components as follows:

    Surgeon’s Fee

    The breast surgeon may charge a fee according to their qualifications, experience and recognition in the field of breast surgery. The fee may range from $4,500 to $6,500 in most cases. The fee may also depend on the complexity and length of the procedure involved.

    Cost of Breast Implants

    Saline implants may cost between $1,500 and $2,000, while silicone implants will usually cost above $2,000. Some of the new qualities of highly cohesive silicone implants may cost more because of the use of advanced technology and materials.

    Anesthesia and Operating Room Costs

    The fee charged by the anesthesiologist and the operating room expenses may usually cost in the range of $3,000 to $5,000, depending on several factors. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) suggests that patients should choose the most appropriate plastic surgeon and practice for a procedure such as breast augmentation, and surgeon’s fee and other costs should only be a secondary consideration.

    Overall Cost of Breast Augmentation

    The overall cost of breast augmentation procedure may be anywhere from $8,000 to $15,000, accounting for various cost components and different factors. The national figures released by the ASPS for 2013 suggest that the average cost of breast augmentation was $3,678 in the U.S. However, this quantum excludes the costs of anesthesia, operating room costs, and other related expenses. Monetary figures vary from one practice to another depending on various factors.

    For more information on treatments and procedures offered offered by Atlanta Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Paul McCluskey visit:

    Breast Augmentation Surgery DallasAugmentation mammaplasty, commonly known as breast augmentation or breast enhancement surgery, is one of the most sought after procedures performed by a cosmetic surgeon today. The procedure involves surgical placement of saline or silicone implants to increase the size and fullness of breasts. Dr. Paul McCluskey is an experienced plastic surgeon providing breast augmentation and other procedures to patients in Atlanta, GA and surrounding areas.

    Suitable Candidates

    Not every woman may be a suitable candidate for breast augmentation. The surgeon will examine the general health condition, breast anatomy and aesthetic goals of the patient before recommending them for this procedure. The following women typically make spectacular candidates for breast augmentation:

    • The patient is unhappy with naturally smaller sized breasts.
    • The patient is keen to increase the size of normal breasts for aesthetic purposes.
    • Breast volume has been lost following a pregnancy, breastfeeding or loss of weight.
    • One of the breasts is smaller than the other.
    • The patient has undergone a mastectomy or has suffered loss of breast tissue due to a breast injury.

    The cosmetic surgeon performing breast augmentation will try to ensure that the patient has a positive outlook, clear aesthetic goals and realistic expectations from the procedure.

    Choosing Breast Implants

    Breast augmentation is a fairly customizable procedure due to multiple choices available in terms of implant types, sizes, shapes, projection, and texture. As an experienced plastic surgeon, Dr. McCluskey educates his patients about the choice between saline and silicone implants, and helps them choose the appropriate size ranging from 120cc to 960cc.

    Implant shape may be teardrop or round shape, and the surface the implant may be chosen between plain and textured. Patients in and around Atlanta, GA have an opportunity to discuss their best choices during the initial consultation with Dr. McCluskey.

    Surgical Procedure

    Breast augmentation will be performed using general anesthesia or IV sedation. The surgeon will begin the procedure by making an incision in a pre-determined location that keeps the scarring inconspicuous. The incision may be placed below the breast crease, encircling the areola, around the belly button, or the underarm area. The surgeon will create an implant cavity in the breast to place the implant shell under the chest muscle or between the breast tissue and the chest muscle.

    Augmentation mammaplasty procedure will usually last anywhere between one and three hours, depending on the extent of surgery involved. If the surgeon needs to perform breast augmentation in conjunction with another procedure such as a breast lift, the total surgery time may be longer. Once the implants are inserted and adjusted well into their desired position and shape, the surgeon will close the incisions with sutures or skin adhesive.


    Most patients will experience mild pain and soreness in the breasts for a few days, which can be managed with pain relieving medication prescribed by the surgeon. Sutures will be removed in about a week, and the patient will be ready to go back to work or resume regular activities. The results of breast augmentation can last for several years, provided the patient maintains a healthy and balanced lifestyle.


    For more information on treatments and procedures offered offered by Atlanta Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Paul McCluskey visit:

    Atlanta Mommy Makeover Before After Photos, Plastic SurgeryThe importance and significance of an individual’s beauty is often underestimated. The aesthetic appeal of any individual plays a huge role in the quality of his or her life, not only because it draws substantial attention from other people, but also because one’s self confidence is affected by it. 

    New mothers often crave to regain their former figure, but it is a long and arduous process. Dieting and exercise is extremely important to get yourself back in shape, but there are times when it can all seem futile. In such cases, you could  consider visiting a plastic surgeon to help achieve the desired results in a considerably short span of time.

    What is mommy makeover?

    A ‘Mommy Makeover’ is a growing trend as an increasing number of mothers are looking to reshape their bodies. Being pregnant, especially having gone through multiple pregnancies can take a significant toll on your body. A mother will see changes in the size of her breasts, the elasticity of her skin, belly flab, impacting her aesthetic appeal substantially.

    A mommy makeover targets these areas of the body and is designed to help you achieve the look you desire. A mommy makeover is a complete package that takes care of almost all the postpartum changes that your body undergoes. A single session will primarily cover three aspects. The plastic surgeon will perform a tummy tuck, breast enhancement (that will include a lift or augmentation) and fat removal via liposuction.

    Cosmetic surgeons will also recommend skin tightening as well as stretch mark elimination and cellulite treatments as a part of the entire makeover process. Dr. Paul McCluskey is a cosmetic surgeon in Atlanta, GA and cannot stress enough on the importance of ensuring that you choose a reputable surgeon for a mommy makeover. Mommy Makeover Before and After Photos

    What to look for before and after the surgery

    As with any kind of surgery, plastic surgeons and cosmetic surgeons will stress that you need to prepare your body before undergoing the treatment. It is essential that you meet the cosmetic surgeon at least once prior to the operation to fully understand the changes that your body is going to undergo. It is essential to ensure that your body is well nourished; avoid going on a crash diet prior to the surgery as this could cause your body to undergo serious internal changes.

    Your plastic surgeon will also recommend that you take your dosage of multi-vitamins to prepare your body for the surgery. It is also important that you quit smoking and stop taking aspirin at least seven days prior to the surgery.

    Post-op care will require a significant amount of rest as your body recuperates  after the surgery. Ensure that your follow your plastic surgeon’s instructions to the letter and everything will be fine.

    It is essential to make sure that you avoid choosing one surgeon over another simply to save a few dollars. Ensure that you do your homework on the surgeon you plan to consult.

    For more information on treatments and procedures offered offered by Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Paul McCluskey visit: