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    Brazilian Butt Lift: Before and Afters

    Tag Archives: Plastic Surgeon in Atlanta

    Every one is talking about the amazing Brazilian Butt Lift and with these before and after pictures it’s easy to see why!

    If you’re interested in a Brazilian Butt Lift, arrange a consultation today by calling 404-255-3555

    Brazilian Butt Lift | Before & After

    Brazilian Butt Lift | Before & After

    Brazilian Butt Lift | Before & After

    Brazilian Butt Lift | Before & After

    Brazilian Butt Lift | Before & After

    Brazilian Butt Lift | Before & After

    Brazilian Butt Lift | Before & After

    Brazilian Butt Lift | Before & After

    Brazilian Butt Lift | Before & After

    For more information on procedures offered by Dr McCluskey and the Plastic Surgery Institute of Atlanta visit


    plastic surgery atlantaPlastic and Reconstructive Surgery Atlanta

    Dr. Paul McCluskey, the founder of the Plastic Surgery Institute of Atlanta, is a dedicated plastic surgeon specializing in aesthetic and reconstructive procedures of the breast, body and face. Dr. McCluskey completed his five year residency in general surgery, and followed it with residency in plastic surgery at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center.

    As a trained and experienced cosmetic surgeon, he has authored several peer reviewed journal articles. He has also been a multi-year recipient of Resident of the Year awards. Patients in and around Atlanta, GA have an opportunity to receive effective treatments from Dr. McCluskey in the area of plastic surgery.


    Dr. Paul McCluskey of the Plastic Surgery Institute of Atlanta provides a wide range of treatment options to his patients. He will also help them make the most suitable choices to match with their aesthetic goals. Some of the key procedures in plastic and reconstructive surgery available at Dr. McCluskey’s office are listed as follows:


    • Arm Lift
    • Thigh Lift
    • Brazilian Butt Lift
    • Body Lift
    • Tummy Tuck
    • Liposuction
    • Mommy Makeover


    • Breast Augmentation
    • Breast Augmentation with lift
    • Breast Lift
    • Breast Reconstruction
    • Breast Reduction
    • Breast Revision
    • Male breast reduction for gynecomastia


    • Browlift
    • Ear Pinning Surgery (Otoplasty)
    • Eyelid Surgery
    • Facelift
    • Mid-Facelift
    • Facial Implants
    • Necklift
    • Revision Rhinoplasty
    • Rhinoplasty

    Body Procedures

    Mommy makeover, tummy tuck and liposuction are three major plastic surgery procedures for the body. Some patients may need just the lifting of sagging skin, which can be achieved with procedures such as arm lift, thigh lift, buttock lift, and body lift. Mommy makeover is a major procedure that is ideally designed for moms who are keen to regain their pre-pregnancy figure. The procedure is usually a combination of surgeries such as tummy tuck, breast augmentation, liposuction and any other procedure as necessary.

    This extensive procedure can help improve the overall appearance and return a more proportionate and youthful look. Since the procedure is extensive and complex, it should only be performed an experienced plastic surgeon. Tummy tuck surgery or abdominoplasty as an independent procedure may be recommended in cases where the patient needs to achieve a flatter and firmer abdomen, but is unable to reduce the stubborn fat deposits and loose skin with diet or exercise. Full or partial tummy tuck may be performed, depending on the patient’s needs. Similarly, liposuction may be performed to reduce stubborn fat deposits from specific areas of the body.

    Breast Procedures

    A growing number of women are seeking breast augmentation surgery in order to achieve fuller and larger sized breasts. It has become one of the most sought after plastic surgery procedures today. The procedure is usually performed for aesthetic purposes, but may sometimes also be performed as a part of breast reconstruction for patients who have lost breast tissue due to cancer surgery or some serious injury. In some cases, the cosmetic surgeon may recommend only breast lift surgery, if the breast volume is good, but only the skin is loose, which may be causing the breasts to sag.

    The surgeon may also recommend a combination of breast augmentation and breast lift in order to achieve more complete results in some cases. Each patient’s condition is unique and their aesthetic goals may also differ. Therefore, the treatment must be customized to match with those needs. Sometimes a complication may develop with a previous breast augmentation surgery, which may require breast revision. Dr. McCluskey is an experienced plastic surgeon in Atlanta, GA for various aesthetic and reconstructive breast procedures.

    Face Procedures

    Face is the most obvious and conspicuous part of a person’s physical appearance. Even the slightest anomalies or signs of aging will show easily on the face. Therefore, plastic and reconstructive surgeries of the face can make a significant difference to an individual’s appearance. Facelift is one of the popular plastic surgery procedures. It can take several years off a person’s face, and the results can last for long. The facelift is usually combined with the necklift in order to achieve more consistent overall appearance.

    Some patients may not need a facelift to reduce wrinkles and tighten the loose skin, but may actually need improvement in the appearance of a particular part of the face. It could be ears, eyes, nose, chin or brows. Procedures such as otoplasty, rhinoplasty, and facial implants for the chin or cheeks may be carried out in such cases. Eyelid lift or brow lift may be required for patients who have drooping eyelids or brows that need to be raised to make the eyes appear more youthful.

    For more information on treatments and procedures offered offered by Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Paul McCluskey visit:

    Capsulectomy is a corrective surgery that involves removal of the capsule surrounding a breast implant following capsular contracture. I’m often asked if I charge for capsulectomy surgery.  Yes.  If one of my own patients presents with capsular contracture after surgery I do everything in my power to resolve the condition medically.  But if the patient is refractory to medical treatment then I must proceed with capsulectomy surgery.  This is a very difficult procedure that requires careful removal of the capsular scar tissue while preserving the normal muscle and breast tissue.  Rates of capsular contracture recurrence are much lower when the implant is replaced so after the capsular tissue is removed and the breast pocket is washed with antibiotic solution, I place a new implant of equal size to the other breast.

    While a breast augmentation surgery typically takes me between 30-50 minutes, capsulectomy with implant exhange often requires over an hour of surgery time.  If capsular contracture affects both breasts, that time is doubled.  So despite the fact that this condition is affecting one of my own patients, capsulectomy requires significant surgical time and resources (including a new implant).  There will be a charge for the procedure but we keep these fees very low.  Our primary goal in capsulectomy surgery is to resolve the condition without capsular contracture recurring.

    A wise man once said that the only surgeon without complications is one that doesn’t operate. There is no greater teacher than experience and experience teaches us as surgeons that this statement is 100% true.  I’ve heard world-famous surgeons profess to having zero complications and those of us who operate on large numbers of patients know that it is simply impossible to avoid complications.  The question is not whether or not you as a surgeon will have complications, it’s how you handle them when they arise.

    I do everything in my power to achieve a patient’s desired results and to avoid complications.  But if I do the identical procedure on 100 patients using identical tools, sutures, equipment, the same nursing and anesthesia staff, and identical postoperative instructions then a few of these patients will inevitably experience some minor complications.  Everyone heals differently .  Everyone scars differently.  Everyone is asymmetrical before surgery and they will be asymmetrical after surgery despite my efforts as a surgeon to make asymmetries less noticeable.

    Brazilian Butt Lifts are all the rage right now! One question that a lot of our patients have is ‘how much fat is needed to be able to perform a Brazilian Butt Lift?’ Here Dr Paul McCluskey explains the entire procedure and how the amount of fat a patient has affects results. If you have any more questions on this or any of our other procedures just let us know!

    How would you like a consultation with Dr McCluskey? Call us on 404 255 3555 !


    For more information on procedures offered by Dr McCluskey and the Plastic Surgery Institute of Atlanta visit:

    Butt augmentation is hugely popular right now, and unfortunately there are some people looking to make a quick buck from the overwhelming demand. This just compounds why it is critical to research any doctor you consider visiting and make sure they are a certified physician. I don’t do “butt injections” or biogel or hydrogel injections.  I will work with patients who have had these injections and would like the injected material removed.  Unfortunately I frequently see patients who ask me if I can recommend someone that will do buttock injections.  I urge my patients not to undergo these injections.  I’ve sat with many women who come to me in tears with lumpy, deformed, and discolored buttocks who now want the material removed.  Many of them want to sue the person who injected the material but this person is typically someone who performed the injections at a home or hotel room under a veil of secrecy.  These injectors run a word of mouth business, sometimes through internet message boards because it is illegal to inject unknown substances into people.  No licensed provider can legally perform these injections.  We have no way to control or determine the identity of the injected substance.

    Let me rephrase this and address those who still aren’t convinced.  fixaflat
    When you seek out and undergo these hydrogel butt injections you have no idea what they’re injecting into your body, and guess what?  The person injecting the material has no idea what they’re injecting into you either.  That clear substance in the 60cc syringe could be rubber cement, or caulk or fix-a-flat, or it could be industrial grade silicone or industrial grade poly-methyl-methacrylate (PMMA).  The FDA does not control or regulate these injections because they are not legal – this is why those who are caught performing these injections for money (ie. providing a “medical service”) are prosecuted as criminals.  So just because a few of your friends loved the results of their “butt injections” and it doesn’t go away like fat doesn’t mean it’s safe or healthy.  The Fix-A-Flat website does not mention buttock injections as a possible use for the material, but it does say that Fix-a-flat is recommended for use on (non-Z rated, non motorcycle) tires only.  Also, consider this:  the patients who come to me for removal of the injected material or repair of the deformities caused by these injections are the lucky ones.  There are numerous recent stories (such as the woman pictured above) in the news of deaths resulting from these injections.  When I tell you, as my patient, that these injections are illegal and dangerous, I am doing so out of concern.  I am not trying to keep you from going elsewhere for injections or to prevent you from achieving the results you desire – I am trying to say in the nicest way that these injections kill people and it’s not worth the risk!

    Also consider that these injections are rarely performed under sterile conditions.  Recently I’ve treated a number of patients for mild to severe infections from buttock injections.  It is clear that the injections were either not performed in a sterile fashion, or the material itself is either contaminated (it is by definition a contaminant) or it causes a severe inflammatory reaction.  I have successfully treated a number of these patients with either systemic antibiotics or corticosteroids to resolve infection & inflammation.

    For patients seeking an alternative to dangerous butt injections please call my office for more information.  If nothing else we just want you to have the tools to make an informed decision.  If you’ve already had buttock injections and you’re having complications such as lumps, deformities, dimples, pain, infection, or discoloration I welcome your call as well.  I cannot promise that I will be able to remove the injected material but we can help you and there are a number of treatment options to alleviate some of these complications.

    For information on more procedures offered by Dr McCluskey visit

    Did you know that you have a choice in breast implant placement?

    Breast implants can either be placed or above the pectoralis muscle and beneath the breast tissue, known as sub glandular placement shown on the left of the picture below, or beneath the pectoralis muscle, sub muscularly, as shown on the right.  The benefits and risks of implant placement above or below the muscle have been studied extensively by comparing hundreds of thousands of breast augmentation cases and the findings overwhelmingly support submuscular placement of breast implants.

    Implant PlacementPlacing breast implants beneath the muscle, in a pocket created between the chest wall and the pectoralis muscle carries many advantages and reduces risks of complications.  It’s difficult to rank these advantages in order of importance but submusclar placement has the following pro’s:  1. reduces the risk of capsular contracture, 2. allows for mammograms to be performed and read (ie doesn’t interfere with early detection of breast cancer or other problems), 3. theoretically patients can still breast feed if they choose to do so, and 4. submuscular implant placement has a more natural appearance and contour in the upper chest.

    Dr McCluskey will individually assess each patient to decide which implant placement is most suited to each patient’s needs and aesthetic.

    For more information on services offered by Dr McCluskey and the Plastic Surgery Institute of Atlanta visit

    It’s getting colder so we’re going to shift away from breast topics and talk about butts.  What do butts have to do with it getting colder?  Absolutely nothing but it’s always a great time of year to talk about butts.  The Brazilian butt lift procedure is wildly popular in Atlanta.  My plastic surgery office receives multiple calls every day requesting information about the Brazilian Butt Lift and it is now one of my most popular operations.  Because of the popularity of the Brazilian butt lift we’ve gained a great deal of experience in properly contouring & sculpting the buttocks based on the unique desires of our patients.  I love this procedure because it corrects and enhances multiple areas of the body with minimal risk and easy recovery.


    Brazilian butt lift

    In a typical Brazilian butt lift case I remove fat from the abdomen and waist (and possibly other areas such as inner and outer thighs, back, or arms) via liposuction.  I then process the fat, removing excess fluid from the aspirate to yield purified fat for injection.  This fat is placed both subcutaneously and submuscularly in multiple layers to build and sculpt the buttocks to a desired shape and size.  Depending on the amount of fat I’m able to aspirate from the patient I’ll typically transfer 400-1000 cc per side (cheek) and I’ll transfer 200-300cc into each hip region to provide a rounder contour.

    Keep in mind that there are two parts to the Brazilian Butt Lift procedure:

    1) Liposuction and liposculpture of the waist and lower back, and 2) Transfer of fat to the gluteal and hip region to enhance and sculpt the buttocks.  My aim with this procedure is to suction as much fat as possible to achieve a beautiful even contour with a slim waist and mid-section.  I often perform liposuction of the outer thighs, or “saddle bags” as well to further enhance the appearance of the buttocks.  Patients have a variety of goals with the Brazilian Butt lift procedure.  Some patients have always had what they describe as a flat butt and by slimming the waist with liposuction and transferring the fat to the buttocks I can give them that natural gluteal contour that they’ve always wanted.  They’ll look better both in and out of clothes and there won’t be any residual or noticeable scars.

    Celebrity Butt Lift Pictures

    Other patients who seek the Brazilian Butt Lift procedure want a significantly larger gluteal contour.  These patients often bring pictures of celebrities such as Jennifer Lopez (JLo), Nikki Minaj, or Kim Kardashian.  These women, whether their appearances are natural or surgically enhanced, have become known for their humongous derrières.  Kim Kardashian even underwent an X-ray on her television show to prove that her posterior assets are God-given and Jennifer Lopez recently had a Twitter feud with a fan about whether or not she’s undergone plastic surgery.   Whether or not she’s been enhanced by a plastic surgeon, she looks fantastic and her fans & followers both admire & seek to emulate her curves.  Call me for more information on the Brazilian Butt Lift or schedule a consultation to come in & see some of our amazing before/after photos.

    Here at the Plastic Surgery Institute of Atlanta we are always excited to answer any questions you may have! A woman reached out to us through our Instagram page (@drpaulmccluskey) to ask which incision is better for a breast lift, a “donut” or a “lollipop”, so Dr McCluskey decided to put together this short video to explain the difference!

    If you ever have any questions, don’t hesitate to let us know! You can comment below or reach us through our Facebook page ( ) and we will be happy to help.



    For more information on services offered by the Plastic Surgery Institute of Atlanta, visit

    plastic surgery cost atlantaPlastic Surgery Institute of Atlanta is a premier practice providing proven and effective aesthetic and reconstructive surgery procedures of the breast, body and face. Led by Dr. Paul McCluskey, an experienced plastic surgeon, the practice focuses on meeting patients’ expectations in a safe and satisfactory manner.

    Patients in and around Atlanta, GA can receive a wide range of treatment options from Dr. McCluskey. As a cosmetic surgeon, he understands each patient’s aesthetic goals are unique, and ensures that customized treatment options and approaches are followed to suit their needs in the best possible way.

    Range of Procedures

    The Plastic Surgery Institute of Atlanta provides the following main surgical treatment options:


    • Arm Lift
    • Thigh Lift
    • Brazilian Butt Lift
    • Body Lift
    • Tummy Tuck
    • Liposuction
    • Mommy Makeover


    • Breast Augmentation
    • Breast Augmentation with lift
    • Breast Lift
    • Breast Reconstruction
    • Breast Reduction
    • Breast Revision
    • Male breast reduction for gynecomastia


    • Browlift
    • Ear Pinning Surgery (Otoplasty)
    • Eyelid Surgery
    • Facelift
    • Mid-Facelift
    • Facial Implants
    • Necklift
    • Revision Rhinoplasty
    • Rhinoplasty

    Cost Difference in Procedures

    The cost of each of the aesthetic or reconstructive procedures performed by a plastic surgeon is likely to be different. The treatment approach, technology involved and skills, efforts and time required to complete a procedure successfully will usually vary from one procedure to another. All these inputs have a direct bearing on the overall cost of the procedure. For example, a full tummy tuck surgery or abdominoplasty is likely to cost more than a relatively smaller procedure such as neck lift.

    Similarly, a comprehensive mommy makeover, which includes tummy tuck, liposuction, breast augmentation or reduction and breast lift, can be a costly affair because of the extensive treatments involved. However, in terms of cost effectiveness, a mommy makeover may prove to be more cost effective compared to each procedure performed individually. Surgeries that involve functional correction, reconstruction, repair or revision over a previous surgery may be more expensive because they are usually more intricate and complex.

    The cosmetic surgeon will usually discuss the cost aspect in detail with the patient beforehand, and help the patient make the right choices. Sometimes a patient may just need a minor improvement in the chin, nose, lips, brows or eyelids, and a surgery such rhinoplasty, brow lift, eyelid lift or chin or lip augmentation may be sufficient to achieve the purpose. In such case, the surgeon may advise the patient to avoid a complete facelift surgery, which may be more costly as well as unnecessary from the patient’s point of view.

    Strategic Factors that could Impact the Price

    Procedures that do not involve general anesthesia may cost slightly lower because the costs of anesthesia are excluded. When it is safe and convenient for the patient, Dr. McCluskey performs procedures on an outpatient basis. This also brings down the overall cost of treatment because overnight stay and care expenses are avoided. Efficiency of a practice, support of the staff members and cost-reduction efforts of the plastic surgeon may sometimes help bring down the costs to an extent.

    Other Factors Influencing Cost

    Some common factors are likely to impact the cost of every procedure in a uniform manner. Some of the key common factors include the following:

    • The skills, experience, and reputation of the cosmetic surgeon are likely to have a bearing on the surgeon’s fee.
    • Geographical location of the practice will impact the cost because the general cost of living varies in each place. For instance, the cost in Mobile, AL may be different from the cost in Manhattan, NYC for the same procedure.
    • Quality of facilities and services provided at the surgical facility or hospital, including the expertise of support staff.

    Actual Cost of a Procedure

    The actual cost of a procedure will differ from one location to another and even from one practice to another within the same location due to so many cost influencing factors involved. However, to provide an indication to new patients about the expected costs of various plastic and reconstructive procedures, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) compiles cost data across the United States each year.

    According to the data released by ASPS for 2012, for instance, the average cost of abdominoplasty or tummy tuck surgery was $5,241. This is the basic national average figure, and does not include the costs of anesthesia, operating room facilities or additional costs. The cost of breast augmentation in 2012 on a national average basis was $3,543, but ASPS indicates that costs would vary depending on the type of implants used and several other factors. For breast lift surgery in 2012, the national average cost was $4,332, and the cost for liposuction surgery came to $2,852.

    For more information on treatments and procedures offered offered by Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Paul McCluskey visit:

    As a divorced dad maybe I can offer a little insight on this topic.  I see a lot of patients who are either post-divorce or in the midst of a divorce or some other life-changing event.  I’m going to speak on the premise that there’s no right or wrong answer here.  Divorce sucks.  I don’t care what anyone says and I applaud those who try to smile and act like it’s no big deal but divorce is really hard on everyone involved, except for the lawyers of course.  Divorce breeds bitterness and hurt and it really brings out the worst in people – believe me, I know!  What I’ve found as a plastic surgeon, especially with my female patients, is that as the dust settles on major events like d


    ivorce, and sometimes it takes months to years, and people resume normal life they’re ready for positive change.  This positive change could mean getting a new job, moving to a new city, meeting a new special someone, or buying a

    new house or car.  As those things change, patients also seek to lose weight, eat better, exercise more, and in many cases have cosmetic plastic surgery.  This is one of those instances in which I really take issue with those who say that cosmetic surgery is all about vanity.  If a woman has had 2-3 children and she’s doing the best she can to look and feel good, then she deserves to get rid of that baby belly (extra fat, “the pooch”, extra skin, stretch marks) through a procedure like liposuction or a tummy tuck so that she can have a beautiful, flat tummy and feel better about herself both in and out of clothes.  Likewise if that baby weight has been tough to shed or maybe she’s dealt with feelings of depression that have caused some weight gain, then she deserves the immediate gratification of a procedure like liposuction.  Yes, it’s a quick fix & healthy weight loss requires a lifestyle change – I hear it all the time – but sometimes people just need a little boost or kickstart.  It’s amazing to me how many of my p
    So that’s my little spiel on plastic surgery and major life events such as divorce.  Plastic surgery doesn’t fix the emotional pain of divorce, and I would never recommend it to a patient as a way to get past any form of psychological pain.  But for many patients it’s the first time in many years they’ve felt like doing something entirely for themselves and I completely applaud any effort to pick oneself up and make some positive changes, whatever they may be.ost surgical patients make drastic lifestyle improvements.  Finally they’re happy with their appearance and they’ll do everything they can to maintain it.

    I recently saw a Dr. Oz episode about plastic surgery and discounts for divorce. I would never try to attract people to my practice as a result of some personal tragedy (or victory depending on your perspective).  Here’s a clip from that show and on this topic I have to completely agree with Dr. Oz’s opinion.   I love to offer discounts to military service people, teachers, and medical personnel but I do not offer discounts for divorce and the idea of such discounts just doesn’t sound ethical.