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    Liposuction Surgery Recovery

    Tag Archives: Plastic Surgery

    Liposuction Surgery Recovery | Marietta Plastic Surgery | RoswellLiposuction is a relatively less invasive procedure performed by a cosmetic surgeon, and innovative surgical techniques have made it possible to perform it without general anesthesia. However, it will still involve a considerable recovery period, which can vary from one patient to another, depending on the amount of fat removed and the number of sites treated.

    During the pre-op consultation as well as just before the patient leaves for home after the surgery, the surgeon and their team will provide detailed recovery instructions.

    Patients should be prepared to follow the instructions diligently for a safe and uncomplicated recovery. Accomplished and prolific plastic surgeon Dr. Paul McCluskey provides liposuction to patients in Atlanta, Buckhead, Georgia, and surrounding communities.



    Early Post-Operative Period

    Once the liposuction surgery is over, the patient will be moved to a recovery area where they will be monitored by the nursing staff for some time. Most patients will be allowed to return home the same day after the surgery, but they should have someone responsible to drive them back home. In rare cases, a patient may need an overnight hospital stay.

    Depending on the patient’s general health condition, physical resilience and personal factors such as little children at home to look after, the cosmetic surgeon may recommend them to hire a private duty nurse for a few days or have a friend or family member to support at home. In any case, the patient is encouraged to perform light activities and short walks at home from the second day of surgery to improve their blood flow in the incision sites.



    First Few Days

    The incisions will be covered with bandages immediately after the surgery, or the surgeon may provide an elasticated support corset to protect the wound. The patient will be required to wear the corset regularly as long as the surgeon recommends. Mild bruising may occur initially, which will subside from the second week. But swelling will resolve gradually over several weeks or months, depending on the extent of fat removal performed.

    The patient may experience numbness or change of sensation in the incision sites, but this will improve over time and resolve completely in most cases. Most patients can return to their normal routine to go back to work after a week or 10 days.

    Outstanding and astute plastic surgeon Dr. McCluskey receives patients from Atlanta, Buckhead, Georgia, and nearby areas and suburbs in The Peach State for liposuction.  


    Long-term Recovery

    It may take about three to four months for the full results to appear as the swelling dissipates completely. In the first month, the patient should avoid putting strain in the incision areas and refrain from perform strenuous exercises or lifting or heavy weights. As time progresses, the body contours in the treated areas will firm up and the patient will feel more satisfied with their new look.

    Among the recovery do’s and don’ts, one of the important ones that a surgeon will advise the patient is to refrain from smoking for as long as possible until the healing is completed. Patients who follow the recovery instructions carefully will achieve more sustainable and healthy results.

    For more information on procedures and treatments offered by Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Paul McCluskey and the Plastic Surgery Institute of Atlanta, visit:

    Questions to Ask Your Liposuction Surgeon | Roswell Plastic SurgeryIn case of a plastic surgery procedure such as liposuction, a well-informed patient will typically be able to make better decisions about their procedure and achieve more satisfaction from the final results.

    A new patient should feel free to ask questions from the cosmetic surgeon and clear all their doubts and concerns during their pre-op consultation for liposuction.

    Dr. Paul McCluskey is a dedicated surgeon who will closely engage with the patient during the consultation and encourage them to ask questions. He will address all their concerns in detail and properly educate them about liposuction. Remarkable and salient plastic surgeon Dr. McCluskey provides liposuction to patients in Atlanta, Buckhead, Georgia, and surrounding locations in this part of the nation.


    Questions Related to the Surgeon

    • How many years of training and experience do you have in the area of plastic surgery?
    • Have you previous performed body contouring surgeries, including liposuction?
    • Which surgical venue would you recommend in my case to perform liposuction?
    • In the event of an emergency, will your office be able to assist me, and who can I contact in such case?
    • Will you be accessible to me during each of my visits to your office regarding liposuction procedure?
    • If I am not satisfied with the results, would you be able to perform a revision surgery?


    Questions Related to Liposuction

    • In your professional opinion as a cosmetic surgeon, am I a suitable candidate for liposuction?
    • Can liposuction be performed in conjunction with another surgery, or combined with a non-surgical procedure?
    • Will I be required to make any lifestyle or dietary changes or adjust my existing course of medications prior to the surgery?
    • Will you perform the procedure using general anesthesia?
    • What type of liposuction technique would you suggest in my case?
    • Can I have access to liposuction before and after photos?


    Questions Related to Recovery

    • Will liposuction involve a long and painful recovery process?
    • Are there any steps I can take in advance to make the recovery safer and faster?
    • How many days of leave should I apply at my workplace?
    • Can I return home the same day of the surgery?
    • Will I require physical assistance at home from a nurse or a family member for the first few days of recovery?
    • What would be the estimated cost of a private duty nurse, if required?
    • When will you remove the drain tubes and sutures after the liposuction surgery?


    Questions Related to Costs

    • Do you charge a fixed fee for liposuction and other procedures?
    • What will be the overall cost, including the anesthesia and operating room expenses?
    • Will I be required to pay additionally for post-operative appointments, prescription meds, and surgical garments?
    • If I combine liposuction surgery with another procedure, will it make me eligible for a rebate or a special package price?
    • Will your office be able to guide me regarding my financing options?

    Experienced and percipient plastic surgeon Dr. McCluskey receives patients from Atlanta, Buckhead, Georgia, and nearby areas for liposuction surgery.

    For more information on procedures and treatments offered by Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Paul McCluskey and the Plastic Surgery Institute of Atlanta, visit:

    Your Liposuction Plastic Surgery Consultation | Marietta | RoswellA detailed consultation with the cosmetic surgeon will be the first step in the liposuction procedure, which will lay down the foundation for a successful surgery. At the time of initial consultation, the surgeon will educate the patient about liposuction procedure, potential risks and complications, and the pre- and post-operative care instructions.

    The surgeon will also discuss the type of liposuction technique, the choice of surgical venue, and the estimated costs of the surgery. The first concern of a dedicated surgeon will be to help the patient make an informed decision. The surgeon will use the consultation process to determine the patient’s candidacy and give them most appropriate advice. Amazing and proven plastic surgeon Dr. Paul McCluskey provides liposuction to patients in Atlanta, GA and surrounding communities.


    Discussion about Patient’s Health and Safety

    During the liposuction consultation, the surgeon will examine their current health status, review their previous medical records, and determine their risk factors. The patient should be prepared to disclose all relevant information about any lifestyle habits such as smoking or drinking as well as any underlying health concerns. The surgeon will instruct the patient to avoid smoking for a certain time period before liposuction surgery.

    To save time during the consultation, the patient should preferably carry a list of all the prescription and non-prescription drugs, including vitamins and herbal supplements that they may be currently using. The surgeon may temporarily discontinue or alter the schedule of certain medications in consultation with the prescribing physician.


    Developing Reasonable Expectations

    The surgeon may present liposuction surgery before and after photographs during the consultation. The patient will know exactly what the procedure can or cannot do for them, and will be able to make the right decision with realistic expectations in mind. The surgeon will explain to the patient that liposuction is not a weight loss surgery, and it is not a skin tightening procedure either.


    Customized Surgical Plan

    The surgeon will encourage the patient to share their personal cosmetic goals and body contouring needs. Based on the patient’s unique anatomical and personal needs, the surgeon will recommend a customized surgical plan. In some cases, liposuction may have to be combined with an additional skin tightening procedure for more comprehensive results.

    From their side, the patient should clearly communicate to the surgeon about what type of body profile they are seeking. They may carry pictures from magazines or websites to explain their viewpoint to the surgeon more effectively. Accomplished plastic surgeon Dr. McCluskey receives patients from Atlanta, GA and other cities and communities in this area of the country for liposuction.


    Questions to Ask

    During the consultation, the patient will have an opportunity to ask questions and clear all their doubts and concerns related to the surgeon’s skill and expertise and various aspects of the surgical procedure. The patient should preferably list their questions on paper and carry it to the surgeon’s office at the time of initial liposuction consultation. 

    The patient should feel free to ask questions related to the costs, insurance and financing during the consultation. They may also request for testimonials of past patients to learn about liposuction from the perspective of other patients.

    For more information on procedures and treatments offered by Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Paul McCluskey and the Plastic Surgery Institute of Atlanta, visit:

    Preparing for Liposuction | Marietta Plastic Surgery | RoswellLiposuction is one of the most popular procedures performed by a cosmetic surgeon in the US. The surgery should be preceded by thorough pre-op preparation in order to create a solid foundation for a successful and predictable procedure.

    The surgeon will explain to the patient the steps involved in preparation, and the patient should make an effort to follow the instructions carefully.

    A well-prepared patient is likely to have more confidence about the liposuction surgery, and will approach the surgery in a more pragmatic manner.

    Patients with adequate preparation typically achieve higher satisfaction levels at the end of the procedure. Dr. Paul McCluskey is an experienced plastic surgeon providing liposuction and other procedures to patients in Atlanta, GA and surrounding communities and cities in this part of Georgia.


    Before the Surgery

    The patient should ideally complete the following tasks well in advance once their candidacy has been determined and the cosmetic surgeon has given a date for the scheduled surgery:

    • Arrange for the past health records from the doctor and specialists to be delivered to the surgeon’s office.
    • Prepare a list of the ongoing medications, including blood thinners, NSAIDs, prescription drugs, as well as vitamins and herbal supplements to show to the surgeon.
    • Get any x-rays or other lab tests as recommended by the surgeon.
    • Adjust the schedule of ongoing prescription medications in consultation with the doctor, if required.
    • Refrain from smoking for a specified time period prior to liposuction surgery, as advised by the surgeon.
    • Complete any pressing tasks at the workplace or home well in advance to make way for a stress-free recovery period.
    • Arrange for someone to drive the patient back home after the liposuction procedure.
    • If necessary, arrange for aftercare for the first few days after the surgery.

    Adhering to the surgeon’s guidelines for preparation and post-op recovery will improve the chances of a successful liposuction surgery and safe recovery.


    A Day before the Surgery

    A few basic tips can be followed just one day prior to the liposuction procedure. The patient may receive instructions about this from the surgeon’s staff:

    • Have a good day’s rest and sleep well on the night before the surgery.
    • Do not eat or drink anything for eight hours before the surgery.
    • Do not drink alcoholic beverages for at least 48 hours prior to the surgery.
    • Avoid wearing makeup, jewelry, nail paint, body piercings, or contact lenses on the day of the surgery.
    • Wear loose fitting and comfortable garments on way to the surgery center. If liposuction is required for the upper body, wear a top with buttons in the front.
    • If the patient is a diabetic, they should get their vital parameters checked on the morning of the surgery.

    Many patients are likely to have mild pre-operative anxiety a day prior to the surgery. The surgeon may prescribe a calming medication to be taken on the night before the surgery. Dedicated and profound plastic surgeon Dr. McCluskey receives patients from Atlanta, GA and nearby areas for liposuction surgery.

    For more information on procedures and treatments offered by Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Paul McCluskey and the Plastic Surgery Institute of Atlanta, visit:

    Advancements in surgical techniques have made liposuction a relatively less invasive procedure. However, it will still involve a significant recovery component, which plays a vital role in the overall success of liposuction surgery. The cosmetic surgeon will explain all aspects of the procedure during the initial consultation, including the recovery process.

    The patient should be prepared to following the surgeon’s recovery instructions diligently in order to achieve safe and desirable results from liposuction. Dedicated plastic surgeon Dr. Paul McCluskey will educate the patient about liposuction, and provide proper guidelines for a good recovery. Dr. McCluskey provides liposuction to patients in Atlanta, GA and surrounding locations.


    Early Post-Surgical Phase

    The overall recovery in case of liposuction differs from one patient to another, depending on the extent of fat removed, the areas where the surgery is performed, and the choice of surgical technique. In a few cases, the cosmetic surgeon may have to use general anesthesia, particularly if substantial fat removal from multiple areas is involved. Most patients can return home the same day after surgery, but a few may require an overnight hospital stay.  

    The patient will require someone responsible to drive them back home after the surgery, and preferably stay with them for the first two or three days. Help is particularly important if the patient has little children to look after. Mild pain and discomfort will be experienced in the incision areas in the initial days, which can be managed with pain medications as prescribed by the surgeon.



    First Few Days

    Immediately after the surgery, the incision areas will be wrapped with a gauze bandage, or the surgeon may provide an elasticated support corset to protect the wound. The corset will have to be worn for several days as per the surgeon’s advice. If the treated areas are large, minor bruising may occur, which will start resolving within a week. However, swelling will dissipate gradually over several weeks or months.

    Some numbness will be experienced by most patients in and around the incision areas, but it will gradually disappear on its own. If only one area has been treated with liposuction, the patient may expect to return to their regular activities in a week’s time. Prolific and reliable plastic surgeon Dr. McCluskey receives patients from Atlanta, GA and other cities and communities in this part of the state for liposuction.


    Long-term Recovery

    Swelling will go away completely in about three to four months after liposuction. Gradual enhancement in contours will become noticeable progressively, and full results will appear as the swelling gets completely resolved. Vigorous activities and exercises must be avoided in the first three to four weeks so that the incision areas can heal sufficiently.

    The surgeon will encourage the patient to perform short walks and light activities at home in the first week to improve blood flow in the incision sites. Smoking should be avoided during the recovery phase as per the surgeon’s advice. The patient should adhere to the surgeon’s post-op recovery instructions and follow the schedule of post-operative appointments to the surgeon’s office for a safe and healthy recovery.

    For more information on procedures and treatments offered by Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Paul McCluskey and the Plastic Surgery Institute of Atlanta, visit:

    As per the data published by the ASPS, liposuction currently ranks as the number two cosmetic surgery procedure in popularity in the US. Selecting the right cosmetic surgeon to perform liposuction is the surest way to achieve predictable and safe outcomes with liposuction.  

    Although liposuction is today among the less invasive surgeries, but some risks are still involved, which are typical to any surgery. A dedicated surgeon will discuss the potential risks and advise pre- and post-operative care instructions to the patient to minimize the chances of complications. Committed and stellar plastic surgeon Dr. Paul McCluskey provides liposuction to patients in Atlanta, GA and surrounding communities.


    Potential Risks

    Liposuction will rarely involve any serious complications, as long as the patient has chosen a qualified and experienced cosmetic surgeon to undergo this procedure. The surgeon will, however, apprise the patient about the risks in order to help them make a well-considered choice. Potential risks include:

    • Occurrence of infection during or after liposuction
    • Adverse anesthesia reaction
    • Blood clot formation
    • Accumulation of fluid under the skin or hematoma
    • Excessive blood loss or fluid loss during fat removal
    • Extended or permanent numbness or altered sensation in the incision sites
    • Delayed healing
    • Conspicuous scarring
    • Changes in pigmentation
    • Damage to surrounding healthy nerves or tissue
    • Damage to other organs


    Extremely Rare Complications

    In very rare circumstances, liposuction surgery may cause severe complications. These may include cardiac arrest, cardiac arrhythmia, internal blood clotting, excessive bleeding, seizures, permanent nerve damage, brain damage from anesthesia, or acute drug interactions.

    When liposuction is performed by an experienced plastic surgeon, the possibility of such extreme complications will be reduced. The surgeon will select the right candidate and will follow the established safety protocols. Dr. McCluskey receives patients from Atlanta, GA and other communities in this region across the landscape for liposuction surgery.


    Excessive Fat Removal

    If the surgeon performs excessive liposuction surgery in one day, it will increase the risks. The surgeon should ideally not remove more than 10 pounds of from one area for body contouring. If larger amounts of fat are removed from the body at one time, whether in single or multiple areas, it will increase the risk of serious complications.

    Excessive liposuction can also lead to adverse cosmetic results, such as dents, lumps and sagging skin in the treated sites. If a patient needs extensive fat reduction through liposuction, the procedure should preferably be performed in phase, with each phase scheduled sufficiently apart for the sake of total patient safety.


    Risk Reduction

    To reduce the risks, the patient should disclose all relevant information about their health status, past medical records, ongoing medications and supplements, habit of smoking or drinking, and any other pertinent information. This will allow the surgeon to modify the surgical plan in accordance with the patient’s health and safety needs.

    If the patient has undergone significant weight loss, their body weight should have stabilized prior to liposuction. The weight should preferably be within 25 pounds of their ideal body weight.
    For more information on procedures and treatments offered by Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Paul McCluskey and the Plastic Surgery Institute of Atlanta, visit:

    Liposuction Risks and Safety  | Roswell Plastic Surgery | AtlantaAccording to the annual data published by the ASPS, liposuction currently ranks as the number two procedure performed by a cosmetic surgeon in the US. Advanced techniques such as tumescent, laser, and ultrasound assisted liposuction have made the procedure safer and less invasive today. But some degree of risk will be inevitably associated with liposuction, just like any other surgery.

    Patients should choose the best possible surgeon for liposuction in order to minimize risk. The surgeon will provide several pre- and post-surgical care instructions, which the patient should follow carefully. Dr. Paul McCluskey is a dedicated plastic surgeon providing liposuction and various other cosmetic and reconstructive procedures to patients in Atlanta, GA and other cities around this mighty American city.


    Potential Risks

    If the liposuction surgery is performed is performed by a fully trained and experienced cosmetic surgeon, the chances of occurrence of serious complications will be extremely rare. However, the patient should still be aware of the potential complications before making a decision about the surgery.

    • Infection in the incision areas during or after liposuction
    • Adverse reaction to anesthesia
    • Blood clot formation
    • Hematoma or fluid accumulation below the skin
    • Excessive blood and fluid loss during surgery
    • Extended or permanent numbness in the incision sites
    • Delayed recovery
    • Conspicuous scarring
    • Changes in pigmentation
    • Damage to healthy surrounding tissue or nerves
    • Damage to other organs


    Severe Complications

    Only in a rare case, the patient may develop severe complications during or after liposuction surgery. These may include cardiac problems, internal blood clotting, excessive bleeding, seizures, permanent nerve damage, brain damage from anesthesia, or acute drug interactions.

    An experienced surgeon will carefully select the right candidate for liposuction to avoid the possibility of such extreme complications. These risks increase if the candidate has an underlying medical condition that makes them vulnerable. Hard working and successful plastic surgeon Dr. McCluskey receives patients from Atlanta, GA and nearby areas for liposuction.


    Dangers of Excess Fat Removal

    If the surgeon performs excessive liposuction in a single day, it will put the patient at a higher risk. The surgeon should ideally not remove more than 10 pounds of fat from one area of the body for contouring. If larger amounts of fat are removed, whether from single or multiple sites, it will increase the risk of severe complications.

    In cosmetic terms, poor outcomes due to excessive liposuction may include dents, lumps and sagging skin in the treated sites. If the patient needs extensive fat reduction, liposuction surgery may be performed in phases. Each phase should be scheduled sufficiently apart to ensure patient safety.


    Risk Reduction

    To reduce the risks, the patient should transparently disclose all relevant information about their current health, past medical issues, prescription and non-prescription drugs that they are using, and any lifestyle habits such as smoking or drinking.

    This will enable the surgeon to anticipate problems and modify the surgery or make appropriate recommendations to the patient. The patient’s body weight should also be stable and moderate before liposuction surgery is performed.

    For more information on procedures and treatments offered by Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Paul McCluskey and the Plastic Surgery Institute of Atlanta, visit:

    Liposuction Procedure Steps  | Roswell Plastic Surgery | AtlantaLiposuction procedure can be performed by a cosmetic surgeon using a variety of techniques, such as tumescent liposuction, laser liposuction, or ultrasound liposuction. The procedure can also be significantly customized according to the unique needs of patient. However, the steps involved in the procedure will mostly remain unchanged in each case.

    Dr. Paul McCluskey is a committed and sagacious plastic surgeon providing liposuction and various other surgical and non-surgical cosmetic procedures. At the time of pre-op consultation, Dr. McCluskey will educate the patient about various aspects of liposuction surgery and discuss the steps involved in it.

    His first goal will be to help the patient make an informed choice about liposuction. Patients in Atlanta, GA and other cities around this massive southern city have an opportunity to receive liposuction surgery from Dr. McCluskey.



    The most commonly used technique to perform liposuction is the tumescent technique. In this technique, the surgeon can perform the procedure without involving general anesthesia, and will only use the local anesthetic lidocaine. Mild sedation may be used additionally in some cases. General anesthesia may only be recommended if the liposuction surgery involves larger fat reduction from multiple areas.


    Incision Placement

    The surgeon will start the liposuction procedure by making small incisions in pre-determined locations. The incision size can be from a quarter to a third of an inch. Incisions will be placed in discreet locations to minimize the subsequent scarring. Experienced plastic surgeon Dr. McCluskey provides liposuction to patients in Atlanta, GA and nearby areas.


    Removal of Fat Tissue

    The surgeon will introduce a slim cannula vacuum tube through the incisions into the deeper fat tissue layers. The cannula will be used to gently manipulate the fat tissue by moving it back and forth in order to disintegrate the targeted fat cells. As the fat cells are dislodged, they will be suctioned out with a syringe or pump attached to the outer end of the cannula.


    Heat-Based Techniques   

    To make the fat removal easier, the surgeon may sometimes apply an advanced heat-based technique using laser, ultrasound or RF energy. This will liquefy the unwanted fat cells without involving aggressive physical manipulation, and make their removal possible in a less invasive way. During and after the surgery, the patient will be given IV fluids to compensate for the loss of blood and bodily fluids.


    Wound Closure

    Once the fat removal is completed, the surgeon will carefully close the incisions with sutures. Removable or absorbable sutures may be used as appropriate. The surgeon may place drain tubes for a few days under the incision areas to collect excess fluid. In about a week to 10 days after the surgery, the patient will have the sutures and drains removed. If very tiny incisions are involved, the surgeon may choose to keep them open to minimize bruising and expedite the recovery.  


    Combining with Other Procedures

    In a few cases, liposuction may be combined with other surgical or non-surgical procedures to create more comprehensive results. In such a case, the overall procedure steps may slightly vary according to the custom surgical plan.


    For more information on procedures and treatments offered by Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Paul McCluskey and the Plastic Surgery Institute of Atlanta, visit:

    Liposuction Surgery Recovery | Roswell Plastic Surgery | AtlantaLiposuction is currently the second most popular procedure performed by a cosmetic surgeon in the US. Less invasive surgical techniques have made the procedure safer and the post-surgical recovery easier. However, recovery still remains an important component of the overall procedure, and should be taken seriously in order to achieve the most desirable final results.

    Dr. Paul McCluskey is an accomplished plastic surgeon providing liposuction and other cosmetic and reconstructive procedures. Dr. McCluskey will provide detailed recovery instructions to the patient to help them go through the process comfortably. Patients in Atlanta, GA and surrounding communities in this part of the state have an opportunity to receive liposuction from Dr. McCluskey.


    Immediate Post-Op Phase

    Post-operative recovery will vary between patients, depending on the amount of fat removed, the sites of surgery, the type of anesthesia used, and the surgical technique used by the cosmetic surgeon. If the procedure involves general anesthesia and significant fat reduction from multiple areas, a few patients may be required to stay overnight at the hospital, while others may return home the same day after a few hours under monitoring.

    The patient should arrange for someone to drive them back home after the surgery. They should ideally also arrange in advance for aftercare for the first two to three days, or have some family member or friend stay over for assistance. The surgeon will prescribe pain medications to manage the mild pain and soreness in the incision areas for the first few days. Antibiotics may be prescribed to mitigate infection risks.


    First Week

    The incision areas will be covered with gauze bandage immediately after the surgery, or an elasticated support corset may be provided to protect the wound. The patient may be required to wear the corset for several days as per the surgeon’s instructions. In large treated areas, the patient may get minor bruising, which will reduce from the second week. But swelling will linger on for several weeks or months.

    Most patients will experience some numbness in the treated areas initially, but it will dissipate over a period of few weeks. If a single area has been treated with liposuction, most patients can expect to resume their normal routine in about one week. Experienced plastic surgeon Dr. McCluskey receives patients from Atlanta, GA and nearby areas for liposuction.


    Long-term Recovery

    After liposuction surgery, swelling will be completed resolved in about three to four months. The patient will be able to note progressive improvement and enhancement in contours, but full results of fat reduction will be established once the swelling is fully resolved. In the first month, the patient should avoid strenuous exercises and lifting of heavy weights to allow the incisions to heal well.

    Mild walks and light activities at home should be performed right from the first week itself to promote blood flow in the incision areas. The patient should be prepared to follow the surgeon’s post-surgical recovery instructions carefully and maintain the post-operative appointments to the surgeon’s office as per schedule in order to ensure safe and healthy recovery for the long run.

    For more information on procedures and treatments offered by Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Paul McCluskey and the Plastic Surgery Institute of Atlanta, visit:

    Liposuction Plastic Surgery Candidates  | Roswell  | Atlanta | MariettaDetermining the candidacy is the first key step before the process of liposuction surgery is started. During the initial consultation, the cosmetic surgeon will carefully determine whether the patient can benefit from liposuction, and whether they have exhausted the options of diet and exercise to get rid of unwanted fat pockets.

    Dr. Paul McCluskey is an experienced plastic surgeon providing cutting edge body contouring procedures such as liposuction, in addition to various other surgical and non-surgical cosmetic procedures. Dr. McCluskey will carefully evaluate the patient’s condition and give professional advice. He provides liposuction to patients in Atlanta, GA and other communities in this part of the nation across the horizon.


    Suitable Candidates

    A good candidate for liposuction surgery will be someone who is in reasonably good health, and having a stable body weight within 25 pounds of their ideal weight. The individual would be seeking reduction of stubborn fatty tissue deposits in specific areas of the body, which have not responded to diet or exercise.

    The cosmetic surgeon may sometimes also recommend liposuction to candidates seeking procedures such as mommy makeover, tummy tuck, body lift, and breast reduction to create more uniform looking results. All candidates should have realistic expectations in order to achieve satisfactory results with liposuction surgery.


    Who is Not a Candidate?

    The following individuals may not make good candidates for liposuction:

    • A pregnant or breastfeeding woman  
    • An individual with an underlying medical condition that could increase the risk of surgery
    • Smokers who are unwilling to commit to a specified period of abstinence as instructed by the surgeon
    • Patients who are unable to stop or alter the schedule of certain medications that could interfere with the surgery
    • People with a known allergy to lidocaine, a local anesthetic used in tumescent liposuction


    Teen Candidates

    In exceptional cases, a teen may be accepted as a candidate for liposuction surgery, especially if they undergone a significant weight loss and are left with one or two lingering fat pockets. The surgeon will assess the teen’s age, medical condition, emotional stability, and self-esteem to determine their candidacy. Limited contour correct and liposuction can sometimes help teen candidates deal with self-esteem issues.


    Adult Candidates

    There is no specific upper age limit to receive liposuction surgery, but the adult candidates should be in a healthy and fit condition to go through the surgery and anesthesia. In some cases, the surgeon may order a few tests or consult with their physician to be sure of their medical fitness to undergo liposuction surgery.

    The candidate should have a reasonable amount of skin elasticity in the affected areas in order to achieve desirable results with liposuction. If the candidate has loose skin, they may have to choose a skin tightening or body lift surgery in conjunction with liposuction in order to achieve their cosmetic goals.

    The issue of skin laxity is more relevant in case of older adults who want to receive liposuction surgery. Patients in Atlanta, GA and nearby areas have an opportunity to receive liposuction and other body contouring procedures from judicious plastic surgeon Dr. McCluskey.

    For more information on procedures and treatments offered by Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Paul McCluskey and the Plastic Surgery Institute of Atlanta, visit: