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    How Much does Buttock Enhancement (Butt Lift) Surgery Cost?

    Tag Archives: BBL cost

    Buttock enhancement cosmetic surgery is not only a procedure to enhance an individual’s appearance, but also provides improved self-confidence for many patients. Patients should understand various aspects of buttock enhancement before the surgery, including the procedure’s approximate costs.

    During the pre-op consultation, an experienced surgeon will inform the patient on the costs of the procedure. The first priority of a dedicated surgeon will be to assist the patient in making a well-informed decision.

    Cordial plastic surgeon Dr. Paul McCluskey provides buttock enhancement (butt lift) surgery to patients in Atlanta, Buckhead, Georgia, and surrounding locations across the horizon.

    More Cost-Effective than Butt Implants Surgery

    Buttock enhancement costs can differ between patients for various reasons. Patients should ideally focus on selecting the best treatment option available. However, the cost remains the natural starting point for most patients in an elective cosmetic surgery procedure such as buttock enhancement.

    Buttock enhancement is less invasive in comparison to traditional butt implant surgery, and usually costs less than a butt implant procedure. Buttock enhancement involves retrieving fat from other areas through liposuction and transferring the fat to the buttock area. This surgery is typically performed under local anesthesia which could reduce the cost.

    Furthermore, butt enhancement surgery does not require the use of synthetic implants, which could also bring down the cost. There is no requirement for overnight hospitalization. Post-operative recovery costs such as prescription meds, medical exams, and other associated expenses may also be comparatively lower.

    Cost Factors

    The following factors will affect buttock enhancement costs between two practices:

    Location of the Practice

    Regional price differences impact the cost of buttock enhancement. At times, patients may even consider traveling from their area of residence to undergo this procedure with an eminent surgeon or to decrease their costs. Buttock enhancement cost is significant metropolitan cities, or main urban centers may be slightly more than the cost in small, interior towns.

    Skills of the Surgeon

    A plastic surgeon’s expertise and experience can impact the costs of buttock enhancement. A renowned surgeon with a proven track record of successful buttock enhancement surgeries may cost more up-front. However, this may be a more cost-effective decision in the long-term with excellent outcomes and minimal risk of complications.

    Health Condition of the Patient

    Pre-existing medical conditions such as autoimmune diseases and uncontrolled diabetes may lead to longer recovery duration for the patient, and the plastic surgeon may also find it challenging to undertake the procedure in such patients. This may affect the total surgery costs.

    Other Factors

    Other factors such as the type of anesthetic and sedation to be used during the surgery, surgical venue costs, post-op medicines, compressions garments, other accessories needed during healing, and the patient’s decision to receive the buttock enhancement along with other surgical procedures will impact the overall surgical costs in each case.

    Dedicated plastic surgeon Dr. Paul McCluskey receives patients from Atlanta, Buckhead, Georgia, and other cities and suburbs in this fantastic southeastern state for butt lift surgery.

    For more information on procedures and treatments offered by Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Paul McCluskey and the Plastic Surgery Institute of Atlanta, visit:

    Serving patients in and around Atlanta, Buckhead,  Roswell, Marietta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

    The Brazilian Butt Lift has taken the world by storm with some reports suggesting a 16% increase in the number of people undergoing the procedure in 2014! This simple procedure which sees slimming of the stomach, thighs, and lower back through liposuction, and an increase size in the buttocks through fat transfer is fast becoming one of the top procedures in the US.

    As you can see in the amazing before and after photo below the results are a smooth, more youthful body shape that is closer to the hourglass silhouette that many patients desire. You can see Dr McCluskey explain the Brazilian Butt Lift step-by-step in a short video you can watch here!


    For more information on this and other procedures offered by Dr Paul McCluskey and the Plastic Surgery Institute of Atlanta, visit:

    These two very popular procedures have earned themselves fans all over the world and for a good reason! A Tummy Tuck gives a slim, youthful waist that can be so hard to achieve for many especially following pregnancy. A Brazilian Butt Lift adds curves in all the right places while taking away fat from trouble areas. It’s understandable then, that many patients come in wanting to combine the two procedures and achieve hour glass curves in one day ofsurgery, but is it a good idea?

    Liposuction Surgery Atlanta | Lipo Plastic Surgery | Cosmetic Surgeon

    The short answer is: No. While these two procedures together can help to completely transform a woman’s body the recovery for one would inhibit the recovery of the other. Following a Brazilian Butt Lift patients are warned not to sit or lay on their rear for a period of time, which would mean laying on the stomach or standing for long periods of time – two things that would be extremely uncomfortable following a Tummy Tuck.


    Not only this but the results will be significantly better if a recovery time is left between them. Dr McCluskey recommends first undergoing the Brazilian Butt Lift and then, after a 6-8 week period, the Tummy Tuck. For two very simple reasons. The first being that it would make no sense to undergo a tummy tuck, then follow with liposuction shortly after, this would mean the best result would not be achieved. Secondly, following the liposuction involved in a Brazilian Butt Lift and the recovery/reduction in swelling in the weeks following, more loose skin will be available to create the most flat, tapered and natural result possible.

    Brazilian Butt Lift | Plastic Surgery Institute of Atlanta

    For more information on treatments and procedures offered offered by Atlanta Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Paul McCluskey visit: