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    Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty) Recovery

    Tag Archives: Plastic Surgery

    Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty) Recovery | Atlanta Plastic SurgeryEyelid surgery is a relatively minor procedure, and if performed by a qualified cosmetic surgeon, it will involve minimal risk of post-operative complications. However, eyelid surgery will require the patient to follow certain precautions during the recovery. The patient should be prepared to follow the surgeon’s instructions for safer and faster recovery.

    Dr. Paul McCluskey is a well-established plastic surgeon providing eyelid surgery and other surgical and non-surgical cosmetic procedures. At the time of initial consultation, Dr. McCluskey will educate the patient about various aspects of eyelid surgery, including the recovery process. He provides this procedure to patients in Atlanta, GA and surrounding locations.


    Recovery Process

    The cosmetic surgeon will usually perform eyelid surgery as an outpatient procedure, but an overnight hospital stay may be required in exceptional cases. The right environment for immediate post-surgical phase will be determined according to the surgeon’s assessment and the patient’s needs. Most patients will be required to stay at home for about one week after the eyelid surgery.

    After a week, most patients can go back to their workplace or resume their normal activities. However, full recovery after eyelid surgery can take several weeks. If traditional sutures have been used, the surgeon may remove them at the end of first week. During the early phase, the patient should give sufficient rest to the eyes. Redness and swelling in the first week will be more conspicuous, but will progressively subside.

    Exertion to the eyes can occur due to watching TV, working on computer or reading during the early recovery period. Patients should avoid this because it can increase the blood flow to the eyes and delay full recovery. As the bruising and swelling gets resolved, the patient will be able to notice a rejuvenated upper face appearance.

    The eyes will appear more youthful and alert as the full results of blepharoplasty are gradually established. If the patient was facing partial vision obstruction due to saggy upper lids, the problem will not be eliminated. Patients in Atlanta, GA and nearby areas have an opportunity to receive eyelid surgery from experienced plastic surgeon Dr. McCluskey.


    Temporary Side Effects

    Redness and swelling around the incision areas are a common initial side effect. The patient may feel soreness, itching and dryness in these areas, and the eyes may tear excessively. The surgeon may prescribe mild pain meds and a topical cream to keep the patient comfortable while these temporary side effects last.

    Some patients may also experience temporary blurred vision, while some others may feel sensitivity to light. As long as the patient follows the surgeon’s post-operative instructions, these effects will resolve quickly.



    In the first two to three days after the eyelid surgery, the patient may use cold compresses over the eyes. This will help to reduce the swelling. If the patient suffers from dry eyes, appropriate eye drops may be prescribed by the surgeon. The patient will be required to protect the eyes against sun and wind exposure for the first few weeks after the eyelid surgery.

    For more information on procedures and treatments offered by Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Paul McCluskey and the Plastic Surgery Institute of Atlanta, visit:

    Your Eyelid Surgery Consultation | Roswell Plastic Surgery | AtlantaOnce a person has decided to receive eyelid surgery and selected a cosmetic surgeon for the procedure, they will have to go through a detailed pre-op consultation. The consultation constitutes a key part of the treatment process, and lays the foundation for a successful eyelid surgery. Based on the inputs received during the consultation, the surgeon will prepare a customized surgical plan.

    Dr. Paul McCluskey is an experienced plastic surgeon providing eyelid surgery and various other cosmetic and reconstructive procedures. Dr. McCluskey will closely engage with the patient during the consultation, and address all their doubts and concerns to help them make an informed decision. He provides eyelid surgery to patients in Atlanta, GA and surrounding locations.


    Educating the Patient

    At the time of initial consultation, the surgeon will educate the patient about various aspects of eyelid surgery and discuss different treatment options and techniques. The benefits and limitations of each technique as well as the costs will also be informed. During the consultation process, the patient should feel free to ask questions and learn as much as possible about the procedure and the surgeon’s background.


    Surgical Plan

    To create a customized eyelid surgery plan, the cosmetic surgeon will encourage the patient to share their intrinsic aesthetic needs and goals related to eye appearance. It is important for the surgeon to understand what precisely about the eye appearance may be bothering the patient. An evaluation of the eye anatomy, facial structure and the patient’s personal goals will help the surgeon to create a customized surgical plan.


    Health Assessment

    The surgeon will review the patient’s detailed medical records to determine their candidacy for eyelid surgery. The skin type and amount of skin and muscle laxity in the eye area will be examined and any possible untreated eye infection will also be checked. The patient will be required to provide precise information about their smoking or drinking habits, and any prescription or non-prescription medications that may be currently using.

    If the patient has previous undergone an eye procedure, including LASIK, they should inform the surgeon about it. Additional diagnostic tests may be ordered in some cases or medical clearance from the patient’s general physician may be sought. Patients in Atlanta, GA and nearby areas have an opportunity to receive cutting edge eyelid surgery procedures from dedicated plastic surgeon Dr. McCluskey.


    Preparation and Recovery Instructions

    Detailed instructions for pre-operative preparation and post-operative recovery will be provided. If the patient is a smoker, they will be asked to quit the habit for at least a specified time period prior to the eyelid surgery. Some of the current prescription or non-prescription drugs, including vitamins and herbal supplements may be stopped or their schedule may be altered.

    The surgeon will suggest to the patient to make advance arrangements for transportation to home after the surgery. The patient may also apply for leave from work depending the estimated recovery period advised by the surgeon. If required, the patient may also arrange for aftercare for a few days following the eyelid surgery.

    For more information on procedures and treatments offered by Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Paul McCluskey and the Plastic Surgery Institute of Atlanta, visit:

    Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty) Risks and Safety | Roswell Plastic SurgeryEyelid surgery is a sensitive procedure because it involves the eyes, but the risk of complications is minimized when the surgery is performed by a qualified and noteworthy cosmetic surgeon. The procedure is relatively less invasive, and can be performed using only local anesthesia and mild sedation. The patient should adhere to the pre- and post-surgical care instructions in order to ensure safe and easy recovery.

    Dr. Paul McCluskey is an experienced plastic surgeon providing a wide range of surgical and non-surgical procedures. Dr. McCluskey will inform the patient about the potential risks and complications, and help them to make a well-considered decision. Patients in Atlanta, GA and surrounding communities have an opportunity to receive eyelid surgery from him.

    Severe Complications

    Some of the severe complications that could potentially occur during or after the eyelid surgery procedure include hematoma, ectropian, and retinal detachment. However, the rate of occurrence of these complications is extremely low. Ectropian refers to a drooping tendency that causes the lower eyelid to become inverted. A revision surgery may be necessary to correct this condition.

    The collection of excessive blood and fluid beneath the skin in the incision areas is known as hematoma. This risk may increase when the eyelid procedure is performed together with other facial surgeries such as brow lift or facelift. The cosmetic surgeon will place small drainage tubes below the skin for a few days to drain out excess fluid and minimize the risk of hematoma.

    In very rare cases, the retina may get separated from the outer layers of the eyes, causing a retinal detachment. Tears or holes in the retina may lead to this occurrence. Retinal detachment will require additional surgery to restore the original condition.

    Minor Post-Op Complications

    Some patients may experience one or more of the following minor complications after the eyelid surgery:

    • Infection
    • Excessive tearing
    • Poor reaction to anesthesia
    • Dry eyes
    • Burning of the eyes
    • Visible scarring
    • Formation of whiteheads after suture removal
    • Difficulty in keeping the eyes closed while sleeping
    • Blurred or double vision

    Most of these post-surgical effects will typically subside within a few days, but if the patient experiences significant discomfort, they may undergo additional treatment. Only in rare situations such complications will be irreversible. Dedicated plastic surgeon Dr. McCluskey receives patients from Atlanta, GA and nearby areas for blepharoplasty.

    Side Effects

    Pain, Irritation and Discomfort

    Mild irritation and soreness in the incision areas may occur during the initial post-operative phase. The eyelids will feel tight and painful in the beginning as the effect of anesthesia wears off. The surgeon may prescribe pain meds in the first week.


    Some degree of swelling is expected in the first week. Ice therapy or cold compresses can be used in the first two or three days to minimize swelling. The patient should also keep the head at an elevated level in the first few days.


    Scarring is minimal in most cases of eyelid surgery. If the incisions are placed within the lower eyelid, the scars will be completely invisible from outside.

    For more information on procedures and treatments offered by Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Paul McCluskey and the Plastic Surgery Institute of Atlanta, visit:

    Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty) Procedure Steps | Atlanta | RoswellBlepharoplasty, commonly known as eyelid lift, is a procedure performed by a cosmetic surgeon to minimize the creases and folds around the eyelids and rejuvenate the upper face. A number of steps are involved in this surgery, which may slightly differ depending on the degree of correction required in the upper, lower or both eyelids.

    Experienced plastic surgeon Dr. Paul McCluskey will discuss about the procedure steps during the initial consultation with the patient. Dr. McCluskey will address the patient’s concerns about the procedure and help them to feel confident and positive. He provides eyelid surgery to patients in Atlanta, GA and surrounding communities.


    The cosmetic surgeon will usually perform eyelid lift using only local anesthesia and mild sedation. General anesthesia may be used only in cases where the patient suffers from higher anxiety levels or the procedure is combined with other facial surgeries such as brow lift or facelift. The surgeon will evaluate the patient’s health and fitness for anesthesia and review their history of any drug allergies.

    Lower Blepharoplasty

    Following anesthesia, the lower eyelid surgery procedure will begin with the surgeon placing small incisions in discreet locations around the eyelids. The surgeon will usually choose the natural skin creases under the lower eyelashes to place well-concealed incisions. Excess skin and fat will be excised through the incision, and weak underlying muscles may be tightened.

    Facial fat transfer or dermal filler injections may be additionally used if the area under the lower eyelids has hollows. Incisions will be closed carefully with fine sutures once the surgery is completed.

    Upper Blepharoplasty

    In case of upper lid surgery, the incisions will be placed in the natural creases of the upper eyelids. Loose skin will be trimmed away through the incisions to reduce the droopy effect of the upper lids and correct any partial vision obstruction. Through the incision, the surgeon may also tighten the weak underlying muscles.

    After the excess skin has been removed, the surgeon will lift the remaining skin and reattach it for a smoother, younger looking upper lid appearance. Thereafter, the incisions will be closed with fine sutures. Dedicated plastic surgeon Dr. McCluskey receives patients from Atlanta, GA and nearby areas for eyelid surgery.

    Transconjunctival Blepharoplasty

    If the patient is only concerned about the presence of excess fat deposits around the eyelids, but the eyelid skin is still fairly elastic and youthful, the surgeon may advise transconjunctival eyelid surgery. This procedure is less invasive and more appropriate in cases where the problem of under eye bags is less severe.

    Following anesthesia, the surgeon will place multiple small incisions inside the lower eyelid. Excess fat tissue will be removed through the incisions to create a smoother, youthful look of the lower eyelids. Skin removal and muscle tightening will not be involved in this procedure. The benefit of this procedure is that scarring is not externally visible because the incisions are placed inside the eyelid.

    The eyelid surgery procedure will be followed by a recovery period of about one week. Thereafter, most patients will be able to return to their normal routine.

    For more information on procedures and treatments offered by Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Paul McCluskey and the Plastic Surgery Institute of Atlanta, visit:

    Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty) Recovery | Roswell Plastic SurgeryWhile eyelid surgery or blepharoplasty is not a very major surgery, it still involves a considerable recovery process. The cosmetic surgeon will discuss the recovery aspects at the time of pre-op consultation to help the patient make an informed choice. The surgeon will also provide instructions that should be followed for a safe and quick post-operative recovery.

    Dr. Paul McCluskey is an experienced plastic surgeon providing blepharoplasty and other cosmetic procedures for the breast, body, and face. Dr. McCluskey will address the patient’s concerns about recovery and will help them prepare for a comfortable recovery. He provides eyelid surgery to patients in Atlanta, GA and surrounding communities.

    Immediately after the Surgery

    The cosmetic surgeon will usually perform eyelid surgery as an outpatient procedure. Following the surgery, the patient’s eyes will be wrapped with bandages. The patient will be moved to a recovery room where the bandages may be taken off. The patient should have someone responsible to drive them back home after the surgeon relieves them.

    In the first few days, the patient may have to take pain medications and antibiotics as prescribed by the surgeon. A lubricating ointment and cold compresses may be applied in the first two to three days to mitigate swelling and itching. Eye drops may be prescribed to prevent dry eyes. Mild swelling, bruising and irritation will go away on its own within a week.

    First Few Weeks

    In the first five to seven days, the patient should give plenty of rest to the eyes. Activities such as watching TV, reading books, using the computer or wearing contact lenses should be avoided in the first few days to minimize strain to the eyes. It is usually advisable to keep the head at an elevated position in the first few days to hasten the recovery and healing.

    At the end of the first week, the sutures may be removed. Most patients will return to their normal routine at this time. They should wear dark sunglasses for the first 15 to 30 days following blepharoplasty to protect the eyes against sun and wind. Eyes may get quickly tired in the first few weeks, and frequent naps are recommended in this phase.

    Bending, lifting heavy objects, and performing vigorous exercises should be avoided for at least two to three weeks. This will help to minimize the risk of increased blood flow to the eyes. Depending on the speed of recovery, the plastic surgeon will recommend when to resume full physical activities. Dr. McCluskey receives patients from Atlanta, GA and nearby areas for eyelid surgery.

    Establishing of Results

    Following blepharoplasty, the patient will be able to notice the improvement in the eyelid appearance once the bandages have been removed. Over the next several weeks, as the swelling and redness resolves completely, full results will start becoming visible.

    The eyes will gradually appear more alert and youthful, and the patient will progressively feel more satisfied with their new upper facial look. Scarring will be negligible in most cases due to discreetly placed incisions.

    For more information on procedures and treatments offered by Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Paul McCluskey and the Plastic Surgery Institute of Atlanta, visit:

    Questions to Ask Your Neck Lift Surgeon | Atlanta Plastic SurgeryA neck lift can have a significant impact on the youthful appearance of the neck and face. At the time of initial consultation with the cosmetic surgeon, the patient should feel free to ask questions and clear all their doubts and concerns about neck lift.

    They should commit to the procedure only after they are fully convinced that it meets their needs and goals. A well-informed patient will be more confident and will eventually achieve more satisfying outcomes.

    Dr. Paul McCluskey is a dedicated plastic surgeon providing neck lift and other surgical and non-surgical aesthetic procedures. Depending on the patient’s needs, Dr. McCluskey may recommend neck lift as an independent procedure, or in conjunction with facelift surgery. He provides neck lift to patients in Atlanta, GA and surrounding communities.

    How many years of training and experience do you have in plastic surgery?

    The choice of a cosmetic surgeon is the most important decision that a patient will make while considering neck lift surgery. They should determine whether the surgeon has received professional training in cosmetic and plastic surgery procedures, and how much past experience they have in performing such procedures as part of their private practice or otherwise.

    Have you performed neck lift surgery before?

    The field of cosmetic surgery is extensive, and many surgeons may have experience in several procedures related to the breast, body, and face, but not necessarily neck lift. It is usually a marvelous idea to choose a surgeon who understands the nuances of neck lift, and has performed this specific surgery in the past. Neck liposuction, facelift, and non-invasive procedures may sometimes be performed along with neck lift, and the surgeon should ideally be well-versed in these procedures.

    Where would you perform my surgery?

    Neck lift surgery may be performed at a hospital, an accredited surgery center, or a private surgical suite. The costs and benefits in each case may vary. Some surgeons will also have operating privileges at a local hospital. The patient should know in advance where the surgery would be performed and why. They should also ask whether the surgeon would perform neck lift using general or local anesthesia and sedation.

    What would be the estimated cost of neck lift?

    Insurance coverage may not be available for neck lift because it is an elective cosmetic procedure. Therefore, it is important for the patient to discuss the cost and financing aspects with the surgeon at the outset. They should clarify with the surgeon whether the quoted price includes anesthesia fees and surgical room expenses.

    Are there any risks and complications that I should know of?

    Just like any plastic surgery procedure, neck lift will involve some amount of risk. The patient should have a clear idea of the potential risks and side effects. This will help them to make a well-considered decision, and feel more satisfied in the end.

    Can I have access to neck lift before and after images and patient testimonials?

    With before and after photos and testimonials of past patients, it will be easier for the patient to form realistic expectations and gain real insights about neck lift. Profound and focused plastic surgeon Dr. McCluskey receives patients from Atlanta, GA and nearby areas.

    For more information on procedures and treatments offered by Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Paul McCluskey and the Plastic Surgery Institute of Atlanta, visit:

    Preparing for Neck Lift Surgery | Atlanta Plastic Surgery | MariettaThe neck lift has emerged as a popular procedure in recent years, particularly as it gives the effect of an overall slimmer facial and neck profile. The procedure is relatively less invasive, but it still involves a significant amount of preparation to ensure safe and predictable results. During the initial consultation, the cosmetic surgeon will discuss about the steps involved in preparation.

    Well-prepared patients will usually achieve a higher level of satisfaction in the end from a procedure such as neck lift. The patient should be willing to follow the surgeon’s advice carefully, and create the foundation for a successful surgery. Dr. Paul McCluskey is a dedicated plastic surgeon providing neck lift and other surgical and non-surgical cosmetic procedures to patients in Atlanta, GA and surrounding communities.


    Steps for Preparation

    Prior to the scheduled day of surgery, the patient should take the following preparatory steps:

    • Arrange to send the past medical records to the office of the cosmetic surgeon and inform details of their current health condition.
    • Prepare a list of all medications, both prescription and non-prescription, and herbal supplements and vitamins for presentation before the surgeon.
    • Undergo any diagnostic x-ray or lab tests as instructed by the surgeon.
    • Adjust the prescription drug schedule in consultation with the primary care physician.
    • Stop smoking for a certain period of time as advised by the surgeon.
    • Complete any pressing major tasks at home or office in advance before the surgery in order to remain stress-free during the post-operative recovery.
    • Arrange for transportation to return home safely after the outpatient neck lift procedure.
    • Preferably arrange for aftercare for at least the first two or three days after neck lift.
    • Apply for leave from the workplace for about one week.

    The patient should have a clear commitment to adhere to the surgeon’s pre- and post-operative guidelines as a part of the preparation process.


    One Day before Surgery

    The following tips should be followed just a day prior to the neck lift surgery:

    • Take adequate rest and have a full night’s sleep before the surgery.
    • Do not eat or drink anything for eight hours before the surgery.
    • Avoid the use of alcohol for about 48 hours prior to the surgery.
    • Do not wear any makeup, jewelry, nail paint, body piercings, or contact lenses on the day of the surgery.
    • Choose loose fitting top with front button to wear on the day of the surgery.
    • Diabetic patients should have their vital parameters checked on the morning of the surgery.


    Other Aspects

    It is natural to have some degree of pre-operative stress and anxiety for most patients. The surgeon may prescribe a calming medication to be taken the night before the neck lift surgery. Patients can think ahead and make advancement arrangements at home for the post-op recovery phase.

    They can keep a stock of pain medications, pillows, loose fitting clothes, ice packs, and other essential items at home. Some patients even like to set up their personal ‘recovery station’ near their bedside. Experienced plastic surgeon Dr. McCluskey receives patients from Atlanta, GA and nearby areas.

    For more information on procedures and treatments offered by Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Paul McCluskey and the Plastic Surgery Institute of Atlanta, visit:

    Neck Lift Recovery | Atlanta Plastic Surgery | Roswell | MariettaAlthough neck lift is a relatively less invasive procedure performed by a cosmetic surgeon, but it still involves a significant recovery process. The surgeon will provide detailed instructions well in advance for a safer and speedier recovery, and may again review those instructions before the patient is ready to leave for home after the neck lift surgery.

    The patient should feel free to ask questions about the recovery and the estimated downtime, so that they can plan for leave from work or arrange for any help at home for the period of recovery. Dr. Paul McCluskey is an experienced plastic surgeon providing neck lift and other procedures for the face, body and breast to patients in Atlanta, GA and surrounding communities.


    Estimated Downtime

    Post-op downtime involved in neck lift plastic surgery will usually be about one week. While the procedure is performed on an outpatient basis, the patient should have someone responsible to drive them back home after the surgery. They may apply for a week’s leave at their workplace so that they can have a stress-free recovery along with plenty of rest at home. During this downtime phase, the patient may need pain meds prescribed by the cosmetic surgeon to manage the initial pain and soreness.


    Maintaining Blood Flow

    From the second day of the surgery, the patient may perform short, mild walks at home to maintain blood flow. They should wear comfortable, loose fitting clothes that button up the front for the first few days. Heavy lifting of weights and strenuous exercises should be avoided in the first few weeks, but normal routine activities can be resumed after a week. Reasonable amount of activity will only support faster healing.


    Staying Alert for Infections

    Mild bruising and swelling after the neck lift surgery is expected, and will gradually dissipate. But if the patient experiences other warning signs such as acute and persistent pain in the incision areas, presence of pus at the incision site, high fever, or abnormal swelling that does not subside, they should immediately contact the surgeon. To protect against post-surgical infection, the patient should avoid any contact with dirt in the incision areas, and avoid submerging the incision site in water.


    Common Side Effects

    Temporary side effects typically associated with neck lift surgery include pain and discomfort, and mild bruising and swelling in the incision areas. Some amount of scarring is unavoidable in any surgical procedure, including neck lift.

    However, the scars will become thinner and gradually fade away to appear as thin, white lines. Scarring will be less obvious when the surgeon places the incisions in natural neck creases or other discreet locations. Experienced plastic surgeon Dr. McCluskey receives patients from Atlanta, GA and nearby areas for neck lift.



    The patient can notice the improvement in their neck appearance immediately after the surgery, but clearer results will establish over a few months as the swelling reduces. In about six months, full results will appear in most cases. The patient may be able to enjoy tighter and firmer neck and a more defined jaw line for at least five to 10 years or longer.

    For more information on procedures and treatments offered by Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Paul McCluskey and the Plastic Surgery Institute of Atlanta, visit:

    Your Neck Lift Consultation | Atlanta Plastic Surgery | RoswellNeck lift procedure is often performed in conjunction with facelift, but may also be performed as an independent surgery. The cosmetic surgeon will have a detailed consultation with the patient to determine candidacy, to establish an open communication and trust, and to address the patient’s doubts and concerns.

    Dr. Paul McCluskey is an experienced plastic surgeon providing neck lift and several other cosmetic and reconstructive procedures. Dr. McCluskey will encourage the patient to be actively involved in the consultation process, and learn about various aspects of the procedure. His first goal is to help the patient make an educated decision. He provides neck lift to patients in Atlanta, GA and surrounding communities.


    Feedback from the Patient

    One of the first things that a surgeon will seek to know from the patient during the consultation is why they want to receive neck lift surgery, and which specific areas of the neck are bothering them. The cosmetic surgeon would also like to receive clear information about the patient’s current medical condition and past health records. Patient’s cooperation and accurate feedback on these issues will help the surgeon to create an appropriate neck lift surgery plan.


    Cosmetic Goals of the Patient

    The surgeon will encourage the patient to be forthcoming about their inherent cosmetic needs and goals, particularly with regard to their neck and face. Maximum patient satisfaction can be achieved in a procedure such as neck lift when the patient’s personal aesthetic goals are met. The surgeon will tailor the neck lift surgery to incorporate the patient’s personal goals for more satisfying results.


    Current Health Status

    The patient should ideally arrange for their health records to be shared with the neck lift surgeon well before the scheduled consultation. This will make the consultation process more meaningful. If the patient currently suffers from a serious medical condition, autoimmune disorder or any known allergies, they should present all such information in a transparent way before the surgeon.


    Current Medications

    The patient should prepare a list of various medications, both prescription and non-prescription, and herbal supplements and vitamins that they may be currently taking. If the patient is a smoker, they should frankly let the surgeon know about this habit. The surgeon will be able to provide appropriate instructions for the pre- and post-operative phases based on the patient’s answers.


    Clarifying Doubts

    If the patient has any doubts or concerns about the procedure, the practice or any other aspects, they should feel free to ask questions during the consultation process. It is also a good idea to list all possible questions on paper and carry it along for the consultation. Dedicated plastic surgeon Dr. McCluskey receives patients from Atlanta, GA and nearby areas for neck lift surgery.


    Photos and Testimonials

    The surgeon may like to present neck lift before and after photos during the consultation so that the patient can know what to expect and what not to expect from the surgery. The patient may also request for the testimonials of past patients who may have received neck lift or other plastic surgery procedures from the surgeon.

    Digital technology is incredible and has changed the landscape of so many industries. Digital technology has paved the way for online photos that have aided so many businesses and people. The plastic surgery field has embraced digital technology and this is why so many plastic surgeons use online photos to assist their patients in making a decision they are comfortable with. Now any potential neck lift patient after looking at these vivid pictures knows exactly what to expect.  

    For more information on procedures and treatments offered by Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Paul McCluskey and the Plastic Surgery Institute of Atlanta, visit:

    Neck Lift Surgery Risks and Safety | Atlanta Plastic Surgery | RoswellA neck lift is one of the safer body contouring procedures performed by a cosmetic surgeon, but it will still have some of the risks that are typically associated with any kind of surgery. During the initial consultation, the surgeon will discuss all the potential risks and side effects in order to make the patient fully aware of all aspects.

    The first goal of a dedicated surgeon will be to help the patient make a well-considered decision. Neck lift cosmetic procedure is a personal journey for the patient, and they should choose it only after evaluating the pros and cons. Dr.  Paul McCluskey is an experienced plastic surgeon providing neck lift to patients in Atlanta, GA and in its suburbs.


    Common Risks

    In choosing to undergo a neck lift surgery, the patient will have some risk of infection and possible allergic reaction to the anesthesia. Some patients may also experience unfavorable scarring from the neck lift. The cosmetic surgeon will be able to minimize these risks by taking some basic precautionary steps.

    Risk of infection during the surgery can be reduced if the neck lift procedure is performed at an operating venue with high standards of hygiene and care. The sterilization of surgical instruments and overall environmental control will make an impact on this risk. After the surgery, the patient should protect the incision areas against submerging in water and not allow any contact with dirt. This will minimize post-surgical infection risk.

    The risk of poor reaction to anesthesia can be minimized when the patient is carefully medically evaluated to determine their suitability for general anesthesia. During the neck lift surgery, the anesthesiologist or nurse anesthetist will be present to monitor the patient’s condition and control the situation, if any risk arises.

    The risk of excessive scarring can be mitigated when the surgeon performs neck lift with a conservative approach and uses advanced surgical techniques. The patient should avoid smoking and follow the surgeon’s instructions to further reduce this risk. Dedicated plastic surgeon Dr. Lin receives patients from Atlanta, GA and nearby areas for neck lift.


    Other Potential Complications

    Other possible complications in case of neck lift surgery may include:

    • Hematoma: This involves excess bleeding during the surgery.
    • Seroma: Collection of fluid under the skin, which can be minimized by placing temporary drain tubes.
    • Tightness in the Neck: This may take place when the surgeon has stretched the skin excessively during the procedure.
    • Numbness: Temporary numbness can occur in the incision areas after neck lift, but in rare cases, the numbness may be permanent.
    • Irregularities of the Skin: Mottling or lumpiness in the skin may occur in some cases.
    • Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)

    The patient’s dissatisfaction with the aesthetic outcome of neck lift may occur in a few cases. If the neck reveals asymmetrical results or other issues, the patient may have to undergo a revision procedure. Patients should note that the occurrence of these complications is extremely rare, and the risk can be reduced further by choosing an experienced plastic surgeon.

    For more information on procedures and treatments offered by Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Paul McCluskey and the Plastic Surgery Institute of Atlanta, visit: