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Building 2000
Suite #2240
Marietta, GA 30068


    “Leave Me Alone! I’m Gaining Weight For My New Butt!”

    The number of women looking for that perfect bubble booty is growing, and when squats just aren’t cutting it, the Brazilian Butt Lift is one of the best options. The procedure involves liposuctioning fat from other areas of the body to inject in to the buttocks. You can read more about it here or watch the video explanation here. Perfect if you’ve been gaining weight in all the wrong places, right?

    Brazilian Butt Lift | Plastic Surgery Institute of Atlanta

    So what happens if you’re pretty happy with the rest of your body but you want extra fat to be able to have the famed BBL? Naturally you run on out to the fast-food-calorie-loaded-carbocidal drive thru of your choosing right? Actually, you might be surprised to hear that, with in reason, putting on a couple extra pounds for the occasion might be just what the doctor ordered.pumpkin pie

    We don’t encourage adopting an unhealthy lifestyle, but if you allow yourself that cheat meal, and give the gym a little less love in the weeks proceeding your operation it will likely allow your procedure to give your butt that extra boost you want. If you are worried about the level of fat your body has for a transfer, discuss it with Dr McCluskey during your consultation and you can decide the best approach for your situation.

    If you are interested in a Brazilian Butt Lift call today and speak to our friendly staff! (404)255-3555

    For information on other procedures offered by Dr McCluskey and the Plastic Surgery Institute of Atlanta, visit