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137 Johnson Ferry Rd
Building 2000
Suite #2240
Marietta, GA 30068


    Breast Lift: Before & After

    A Breast Lift is a great way to restore volume and fullness to breasts that have become droopy. A Breast Lift, or Augmentation Mastopexy, works by reducing excess skin surrounding the breast tissue lifting the entire breast to a higher level on the chest and creating a more central position of the nipple on the chest. Many women also choose to have their areola size reduced during the procedure, as the areola tends to stretch over time with the saggin breast. You can see Dr McCluskey explains the steps of a Breast Lift in this video. As you can see this patient achieved beautiful results with her Breast Lift at the Plastic Surgery Institute of Atlanta!



    For more information on procedures offered by Dr McCluskey at the Plastic Surgery Institute of Atlanta, visit: