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    Should You Lose Weight Before Liposuction Surgery?

    Tag Archives: lose weight

    Lose Weight 

    Screen Shot 2015-01-21 at 3.01.30 PM (1)Losing fat from various parts of the body to achieve a contoured shape is not always an easy thing to do. Sticking to a diet, exercising, shedding as much fat as one consumes in a day is a difficult task. For all these seemingly unachievable feats liposuction has become a boon to many.

    What is liposuction?

    Liposuction is cosmetic surgery procedure that entails removing excess fat from under the skin to give the body a more contoured shape. The liposuction technique has become very popular and cosmetic surgeons have been practicing it for nearly three decades now.  It is a safe technique and its proven procedure has given many people the opportunity to live their dream of having a toned body.

    Who can undergo liposuction?

    Liposuction is an ideal solution for anyone who wants to refine their body contours. But before anyone goes in for a liposuction treatment they need to check with a qualified plastic surgeon. There are certain issues that need to be taken into consideration before one takes a decision of undergoing a liposuction treatment. Liposuction works best for people who are in excellent health condition and are within 25 pounds of their ideal body weight. Patients preferably over the age of 18 are perfect for undergoing liposuction. Liposuction removes fat but does not tighten the skin which might sag after the fat loss. Younger patients have more supple skin with better elasticity which helps them to respond better to the treatment. On the other hand older patients might face some difficulty in making the same happen.

    Losing weight before liposuction

    In order for liposuction to be effective the patient must try to maintain a weight which is within 25 pounds of their ideal body weight. If the patient weighs more than the limit of 25 pounds it is preferable that they lose some weight before undergoing the procedure.

    Liposuction can be carried out only when the patient has reached a stable or plateau weight, that is, there have been no substantial changes to their weight over a fixed period of time. In case you are planning a liposuction it is preferable that you start off with a weight-loss program or some light cardio exercises well before the date of the treatment.

    How much weight you want to lose may also answer the question if you want to lose any weight at all. If you plan to lose 5-10 pounds then it will not make much of a difference if you lose it before the treatment. However, if you plan to lose a substantial amount of weight before the treatment you should consult a cosmetic surgeon about the way you should carry out the weight-loss regime.

    Liposuction is not weight loss procedure

    Liposuction is targeted extraction of adipose tissues or fat from parts of the body which the patient wants to be brought into shape. Removal of the excess fat gives the body the aesthetic appeal that the patient desires. It is recommended that the patient should not immediately start any heavy exercises post-treatment. Having a liposuction does not mean cutting back on good eating-habits and exercising. A proper diet and a healthy lifestyle post-liposuction will help you maintain the perfect body you always aimed for.

    For more information on procedures and treatments offered by Plastic Surgeon,  Dr. Paul McCluskey and the Plastic Surgery Institute of Atlanta, visit:

    It’s safe to say a lot of us feel like we missed out on the gene that seems to make some of our friends perpetually active. A lot of the time exercise feels like the last thing we want to do and we are masters of making excuses, so how do we get out of this little rut we’ve got ourselves into? Baby steps. Many a professional athlete, personal trainer or gym bunny will tell you ‘your body is capable of doing it, it’s your mind you have to convince’. So how do we start convincing it?images-1

    1. Find something you enjoy.

    Maybe you’re a tennis fan, maybe swimming feels easier on your joints, or maybe yoga helps you release some tension. What ever it is that you enjoy doing, start with that and it won’t feel like such a chore. Stepping outside of your comfort zone and trying something new is always a great idea too, the sense of accomplishment and the chance of finding something you love is worth the risk!

    2. Get more sleep.

    It’s hard to stay motivated when you’re exhausted, and getting enough sleep is one of the key factors in a healthy lifestyle. You could try turning your phone off or putting it the other side of the room while you sleep, reading a book instead of watching television or saving your bedroom as a place to sleep and relax only. If you are used to working or studying from your bed it will make it harder to fall asleep.


    3. Get outside!

    Walk, hike, cycle, or run, just get moving. The fresh air will indeed do you good, whether you feel like wandering at a snails pace or starting a couch to 5k program. No matter what you do or how insignificant it may feel, anything is better than sitting on your sofa so go soak up that vitamin D (while wearing sun screen of course) !

    4. Invite a friend

    You’re more likely to stick to something if you are worried about letting some one else down. If you really struggle to keep a commitment to yourself make a plan with a friend, whether they are in the same fitness league as you or where you aspire to be a good friend will motivate you to keep trying.

    Whatever you decide to do, make sure to have fun and enjoy yourself, that should be motivation in it’s self! Starting is the hardest part, once you’ve overcome that you can do anything!

    For information on procedures offered by Dr McCluskey and the Plastic Surgery Institute of Atlanta visit or




    Wow, did Maria Kang (@mariakangfitness on Instagram) polarize social media world with three short words!  I have an Instagram account that I’m still figuring out but I’ve had the chance to look through Maria Kang’s photos.  I’ve never met this person so I can only make conclusions based on social media but @mariakangfitness has built an incredible following of “fans” or “likes” by simply living a healthy life and documenting it for the world to see.  She has 3 boys, born in 2009, 2010, and 2011 as she states in her profile.  She exercises at night or early in the morning when the kids are tucked in their beds and she combines plyometric training, weights, and cardio.  She has great taste in music, a supportive husband, and she is determined to maintain her fit lifestyle.  She speaks briefly about a history of bulemia and discusses her personal insecurities with her body.  She points out that she doesn’t have the thinnest waist, she doesn’t have six-pack abs, and she occasionally splurges on junk food.  She even includes a photo of a hot dog that a friend included in a box of donuts as a gift for her.  I can appreciate this.  There are other fitness gurus online who seem to live a life devoid of fun or guilty pleasures.  While occasionally splurging on junk food isn’t everyone’s idea of fun, it at least demonstrates that Ms Kang gives in to cravings just like the rest of us.

    Maria Kang posted a photo on Instagram of herself in workout gear with her three baby boys with the caption, “what’s your excuse?” and people are offended?  Would people be happier if she was fat, eating a pizza, and posted a photo with the caption “I have no excuse!” I heard this now infamous Instagram post discussed on the radio and I couldn’t believe how quickly people jumped to the conclusion that it’s easy for her but “based on my life & circumstances I can’t look like that.”  First of all, yes you can.  If you really want to commit to a healthy, fit lifestyle then you can look like that.  No matter what your age or health status or circumstances, if you improve your diet and exercise habits then you can “look like that.”  But more importantly I don’t think she’s challenging anyone to look like her nor is she saying that she has it tougher than anyone else.  Her point is that we can all make changes – either subtle or drastic – to improve our fitness levels, our appearance, and how we feel about ourselves.  Rather than get upset or argue over this post, get out and walk or run a mile.  You’ll be done in 15-30 minutes and I’m sure that many of those who’ve weighed in on Maria Kang’s story have spent at least that long discussing it.

    Here’s my own little struggle with weight gain & changes in metabolism.  As a divorced dad when my son is with me I put everything else on the back burner.  So when I have him I don’t exercise and I typically don’t eat very healthy – if the boys are eating pizza I might eat a salad but I’ll still have a couple of pizza slices.  The rest of my time is spent operating, seeing patients, and managing my practice.  I don’t have much free time and I eat meals on the go – but I don’t have an excuse!  I gained some weight this past year and it’s a direct result of exercising less and making poor diet choices.  I changed those habits over the past few months and I’ve lost almost 20 pounds.  I still have work to do but in answer to @mariakangfitness I have no excuse!  We’re all busy and we all have family and work commitments that get in the way.  But eating healthy doesn’t require extra time.  I know I can do better but I’m not going to take it out on someone like Maria Kang who is doing her best to be a great working mom and maintain a healthy lifestyle.  If you’re overweight or out of shape or munching on french fries while you’re reading this then you shouldn’t be upset at Maria Kang.  Instead, take it as a personal challenge.  Get up now, go into your bedroom or bathroom and take a before pic of yourself, a “selfie”.  Commit yourself to 4-6 weeks of better diet and as much light exercise as your schedule permits (3-5 times per week) then take another photo after that time period.  Your appearance will improve – if nothing else, you’ll feel better and if you feel better you’ll look better.  And you’ll realize that like me you have no excuse.  Life gets in the way sometimes but the only person who can help you make more time for yourself is you.   Make the time, eat better, exercise more and you may change your mind about people like Maria Kang.

    @mariakangfitness on Instagram


    For more information on procedures offered by Dr Paul McCluskey, visit

    Woman BodyThe Plastic Surgery Institute of Atlanta, headed by Dr. Paul McCluskey, provides aesthetic and reconstructive surgeries of the breast, body, face, and nose. Dr. McCluskey is a plastic surgeon who completed his residency in plastic surgery at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. In Dallas he trained alongside several leaders and innovators in cosmetic, plastic, and reconstructive surgery.

    Dr. McCluskey has been a recipient of multiple Resident of the Year awards. He has also authored several peer-reviewed journal articles in the area of cosmetic and reconstructive surgery. Liposuction is one of the key procedures he performs as a cosmetic surgeon for patients in Atlanta, GA and surrounding communities.

    Understanding Liposuction

    Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery procedure to slim and re-shape targeted areas of the body, which suffer from excess fat deposits. When the fat pockets do not respond to exercise and diet, liposuction may be considered as a procedure to enhance body contours and proportion by removing excess fat tissue.

    Liposuction is commonly used to treat stubborn fat deposits in various body parts such as the abdominal area, hips and buttocks, thighs, neck, arms, back, chest, inner knee, chin, cheeks, ankles, and calves. The procedure may either be performed independently or in combination with other procedures such as a tummy tuck or a facelift.

    Weight Loss and Liposuction

    It is very important to remember that liposuction is not designed as a weight loss procedure. It is, in fact, not very suitable for people who are excessively overweight or obese. Liposuction is meant for people who are bothered by excess localized fat pockets and disproportionate body contours, even if they may have normal body weight, good health and a fair level of fitness. Stubborn fat deposits may occur in such patients more often due to family history rather than a poor level of fitness or lack of weight control.

    It is a mistake to assume that after liposuction a person can afford to ignore a regular fitness regimen and balanced diet. Fat deposits are likely to rebound in cases where the patient does not follow an active lifestyle and healthy eating habits. People who suffer from dimpled skin in hips, buttocks and thighs, which is known as cellulite, should also look for other treatments, and not liposuction.

    Who should opt for Liposuction?

    A person of average weight in proportion to his or her height, who is bothered by stubborn fat deposits in parts of the body may be a genuine candidate for liposuction. Such patients should firstly try to follow a regular exercise and diet regimen, and if the excess fat pockets do not respond well, a liposuction should be considered.

    Adults who are within a range of 30 percent of their ideal body weight, and having good muscle tone and elastic and firm skin may be fine candidates. The individual should not be suffering from a serious medical condition that may impede healing. Smokers who are unable to quit the habit for an adequate period before and after the procedure should avoid liposuction. Patient’s realistic expectations, positive outlook and reasonable goals from liposuction will help achieve a satisfactory outcome.

    Losing Weight for Liposuction

    Liposuction is unsuitable for excessively overweight or obese adults as it is not a body slimming procedure that can be performed extensively. It is a targeted technique performed by a plastic surgeon to remove unwanted fat tissues with an aim to improve body contours, shape, and proportion. Overweight people should ideally follow a program under the supervision of a certified fitness expert to reduce the weight with exercise and a balanced diet.

    When weight reduction is achieved through such a program, and the body weight has stabilized to a more normal level, it may be an intelligent idea to consider liposuction. The procedure can complement a weight loss program by reducing excess fats from targeted areas that have failed to respond to an exercise and diet regimen. Weight control measures and an active lifestyle should be continued after liposuction to extend the benefits of the procedure for as long as possible.

    Liposuction with Dr. Paul McCluskey

    Dr. Paul McCluskey is a cosmetic surgeon in Atlanta, GA, specializing in aesthetic and reconstructive surgeries, including liposuction. He will evaluate a liposuction candidate carefully before recommending the procedure. Dr. McCluskey keeps patient safety as the top priority, and strives to meet patient expectations with a safe and conservative liposuction surgery. He operates from his state of the art facility in Atlanta, GA, where he has performed a large number of cosmetic and reconstructive surgeries, including liposuction.

    Click here to learn more about labiaplasty surgery in Atlanta performed by Dr. McCluskey.