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    Liposuction For Female Breasts

    Liposuction For Female Breasts | Atlanta | Buckhead | MariettaMany women with oversized breasts can feel burdened by their double D sized cups. Large, heavy breasts can create a lifetime of problems such as restricted sports activities and cause significant spinal issues and back pains.

    This condition can even lead to emotional issues.

    Liposuction breast reduction is a conservative cosmetic surgery involving less pain, reduced scarring, a faster recovery, and better results. This procedure is an innovative liposuction variant and can reduce the breast size by up to three cup sizes.

    Plastic surgeon Dr. Paul McCluskey provides liposuction of the female breasts to patients in Atlanta, Buckhead, Georgia, and surrounding locations.


    A Break from Tradition

    Mammaplasty is traditional breast reduction surgery which involves the surgeon making a large T-shaped incision to remove excess glandular tissue, fat, and skin.

    On the other hand, in liposuction breast reduction surgery, the surgeon will place only one small incision under each breast fold. Through this tiny incision, they will insert a small cannula (tube) to suction out excess fat.

    Traditional cosmetic surgery can take up to five hours to complete. It may also involve up to nine weeks for complete recovery. But liposuction of the breasts takes less than one hour to complete, and patients can resume their normal routine within a week.

    This may be an appropriate procedure for many breast reduction candidates who have previously avoided the procedure due to the risk of loss of sensation in the nipple region and significant scarring.

    Liposuction breast reduction only involves the removal of excess fat in the breast. For this reason, this procedure has no risk of nipple sensation loss.


    Tumescent Liposuction of the Female Breast

    Tumescent breast reduction liposuction involves administering only local anesthesia and offer patients beautiful breast reduction outcomes as well as a moderate but aesthetically appealing breast lift.

    In this liposuction technique, the surgeon will use microcannulas, which enable breast reduction with minimal post-operative pain, fast recovery, a quick return to normal activities, and no scarring.

    Tumescent liposuction can reduce the size of the female breast by more than 50 percent while giving the breasts a significant lift.

    The reduced breast weight offers the breasts a lift as it allows the natural elastic characteristics of the breast to constrict and elevate breasts.

    The breast shape does not change after this surgery. They merely become smaller and moderately lifted. The breast shape will only be a smaller version of its original pre-liposuction shape.


    Ideal Candidates

    Breast reduction liposuction may offer some women better outcome than others. Tumescent breast reduction is undertaken with local anesthesia and is recommended only for certain patients. However, for the right candidate, this procedure offers very satisfying outcomes.

    Good candidates for tumescent breast reduction liposuction have breasts with a large proportion of fat. For example, women who have undergone menopause typically have a higher proportion of fat than teenagers do. Ideal candidates have realistic expectations from the procedure.



    Following the liposuction breast reduction procedure, the patient will be able to return home with specific aftercare guidelines, any required prescriptions, and appointments for post-op follow-up.

    They may also have temporary surgical drains in each incision site. These drains prevent the accumulation of fluid and encourage faster healing.

    Plastic surgeon Dr. Paul McCluskey receives patients from Atlanta, Buckhead, Georgia, and nearby areas for liposuction of the female breasts.

    For more information on procedures and treatments offered by Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Paul McCluskey and the Plastic Surgery Institute of Atlanta, visit:

    Serving patients in and around Atlanta, Buckhead,  Roswell, Marietta, Georgia and surrounding areas.