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Marietta, GA 30068


    Brazilian Butt Lifts

    It’s getting colder so we’re going to shift away from breast topics and talk about butts.  What do butts have to do with it getting colder?  Absolutely nothing but it’s always a great time of year to talk about butts.  The Brazilian butt lift procedure is wildly popular in Atlanta.  My plastic surgery office receives multiple calls every day requesting information about the Brazilian Butt Lift and it is now one of my most popular operations.  Because of the popularity of the Brazilian butt lift we’ve gained a great deal of experience in properly contouring & sculpting the buttocks based on the unique desires of our patients.  I love this procedure because it corrects and enhances multiple areas of the body with minimal risk and easy recovery.


    Brazilian butt lift

    In a typical Brazilian butt lift case I remove fat from the abdomen and waist (and possibly other areas such as inner and outer thighs, back, or arms) via liposuction.  I then process the fat, removing excess fluid from the aspirate to yield purified fat for injection.  This fat is placed both subcutaneously and submuscularly in multiple layers to build and sculpt the buttocks to a desired shape and size.  Depending on the amount of fat I’m able to aspirate from the patient I’ll typically transfer 400-1000 cc per side (cheek) and I’ll transfer 200-300cc into each hip region to provide a rounder contour.

    Keep in mind that there are two parts to the Brazilian Butt Lift procedure:

    1) Liposuction and liposculpture of the waist and lower back, and 2) Transfer of fat to the gluteal and hip region to enhance and sculpt the buttocks.  My aim with this procedure is to suction as much fat as possible to achieve a beautiful even contour with a slim waist and mid-section.  I often perform liposuction of the outer thighs, or “saddle bags” as well to further enhance the appearance of the buttocks.  Patients have a variety of goals with the Brazilian Butt lift procedure.  Some patients have always had what they describe as a flat butt and by slimming the waist with liposuction and transferring the fat to the buttocks I can give them that natural gluteal contour that they’ve always wanted.  They’ll look better both in and out of clothes and there won’t be any residual or noticeable scars.

    Celebrity Butt Lift Pictures

    Other patients who seek the Brazilian Butt Lift procedure want a significantly larger gluteal contour.  These patients often bring pictures of celebrities such as Jennifer Lopez (JLo), Nikki Minaj, or Kim Kardashian.  These women, whether their appearances are natural or surgically enhanced, have become known for their humongous derrières.  Kim Kardashian even underwent an X-ray on her television show to prove that her posterior assets are God-given and Jennifer Lopez recently had a Twitter feud with a fan about whether or not she’s undergone plastic surgery.   Whether or not she’s been enhanced by a plastic surgeon, she looks fantastic and her fans & followers both admire & seek to emulate her curves.  Call me for more information on the Brazilian Butt Lift or schedule a consultation to come in & see some of our amazing before/after photos.