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    Your Thigh Lift Plastic Surgery Consultation

    Your Thigh Lift Plastic Surgery Consultation | Marietta | RoswellLoose skin, fat cells, and cellulite accumulation in the thighs can make them appear older and heavier. A cosmetic surgeon can perform a thigh lift to restore the youthful look of the thighs.

    The process begins with a detailed pre-operative consultation, which will cover several aspects related to the procedure as well as provide the surgeon and the patient an opportunity to interact with each other.

    The surgeon will utilize the consultation to learn about the patient’s personal cosmetic goals and aspirations to create a customized thigh lift plan. Impressive and highly respected plastic surgeon Dr. Paul McCluskey provides thigh lift surgery to patients in Atlanta, Buckhead, Georgia, and surrounding locations in this region of the state.


    Preparing for the Consultation

    To save time during the consultation and to have a productive consultation, the patient can do some advance preparations, which may include:

    • Arranging past medical records from the physician and specialist to be sent to the office of the cosmetic surgeon
    • Discussing with insurer about the possibility of insurance coverage for the thigh lift procedure and the required paperwork
    • Preparing a list of questions that the patient may wish to ask during the consultation – this is just sagacious on any patient’s part
    • Collecting pictures of what the patient would like their thighs to look like
    • Make a note of all the prescription and non-prescription drugs and supplements that the patient may be currently using – if none – that is fine too


    During the Consultation

    The initial consultation lays the groundwork for the thigh lift surgery procedure. The surgeon will evaluate the patient’s candidacy, go over their personal aesthetic goals and preferences, examine the thigh and leg anatomy, and work with the patient to plan the procedure.

    The patient should be honest and forthcoming during the consultation for the sake of their own safety and to achieve the desired aesthetic outcomes for their thighs. At the time of pre-op consultation, the surgeon may cover the following aspects:

    • Discuss the procedure steps involved in thigh lift so that the patient has a fair understanding of what the procedure entails.
    • Review the probable treatment options and the results that the patient can expect from thigh lift in order to help determine the type of thigh lift technique that may be more appropriate.
    • Help the patient develop realistic expectations by presenting thigh lift before and after photos
    • Examine the patient’s overall anatomy with specific attention to the thighs in order to evaluate their candidacy
    • Review the patient’s previous medical records to assess whether any modifications in the surgical plan may be necessary for the patient’s safety and health
    • Discuss the potential risks and complications involved in a thigh lift, and how the patient can work to minimize them
    • Address any questions that the patient may have about the surgeon’s practice as well as thigh lift surgery to educate them and make them feel reassured
    • Take photos of the thighs, which will serve as a baseline for the thigh lift surgery treatment plan

    Awesome and reliable plastic surgeon Dr. McCluskey receives thigh lift patients from Atlanta, Buckhead, Georgia, and other locations in the southeastern part of America.

    For more information on procedures and treatments offered by Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Paul McCluskey and the Plastic Surgery Institute of Atlanta, visit: