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    Rhinoplasty Revision Surgery Before and After Photos

    Rhinoplasty Revision Surgery Before and After Photos | AtlantaRevision rhinoplasty may be performed when the results of the primary rhinoplasty procedure are unsatisfactory. The cosmetic surgeon will explain all aspects of revision rhinoplasty and may also present before and after photographs related to the procedure.

    The surgeon will like to educate the patient about the pros and cons of revision rhinoplasty with specific reference to their case so that they may make a well-considered decision. Dr. Paul McCluskey is an experienced and golden plastic surgeon providing revision rhinoplasty to patients in Atlanta, GA and surrounding locations.

    What are Revision Rhinoplasty Before and After Images? 

    Before and after images in case of revision rhinoplasty refer to a set of pictures pertaining to an earlier patient who has undergone the same procedure with successful results. The pictures include images taken prior to the procedure and after the procedure at a stage when the bruising and swelling has disappeared and full effects of the surgery are visible.

    The cosmetic surgeon will pay special attention to ensure that revision rhinoplasty before and after photographs are acquired with the express consent of the patient. The confidentiality of the patient’s identity will be maintained as required, and the pictures will be presented before new patients in a discreet manner. The surgeon’s sole purpose here is to explain the potential effectiveness of revision rhinoplasty to new patients, using before and after photos as a visual aid.

    Digital technology has assisted every industry and organization across the globe. Website photos have changed industries and helped the private and public sectors alike. Now you can see a surgeon in action and see the results in acute detail based on other patients. You can then apply this idea to your own body and you will know exactly what to expect.

    These pictures abate the anxiety of the patient and save the surgeon time since there is less need for lengthy meetings and decisions based on their words and some Polaroid pictures. Digital photos have brought the two parties of the patient and the doctor closer together.


    A patient who has already been dissatisfied with the primary rhinoplasty results would naturally be more concerned about a revision procedure. They would like to have a clearer understanding beforehand about how a revision surgery would address their aesthetic concerns and produce a desirable nasal appearance that meets their goals.

    Some patients may require grafting, implants or another additional procedure as a part of revision rhinoplasty. Potential scarring will also depend on whether it is an open or closed revision rhinoplasty. In all such situations, ‘before and after’ photos can play an important role to help the patient make the right decisions about their surgery. Leading plastic surgeon Dr. McCluskey receives patients from Atlanta, GA and nearby areas for this procedure.

    Forming Reasonable Expectations

    While revision rhinoplasty can meet most of the patient’s goals, it may have certain limitations, depending on the case. To ensure that the patient knows exactly what the procedure can or cannot do for them, the surgeon may like to present revision rhinoplasty before and after photos at the very first appointment.

    This will avoid any risk of disappointments occurring at a later stage. Patients who have reasonable expectations in any aesthetic procedure will typically achieve higher satisfaction levels in the end and feel more comfortable about the improved aesthetics.

    Online Photo Gallery

    If the surgeon has an independent practice website or a blog, they can create a unique online photo gallery to present revision rhinoplasty before and after photos for free access to all. Such pictures may also be shared via social media channels such as Pinterest or Instagram to educate potential patients about a procedure such as revision rhinoplasty.

    For more information on procedures and treatments offered by Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Paul McCluskey and the Plastic Surgery Institute of Atlanta, visit: