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    How to Minimize Bruising from Rhinoplasty Surgery

    How to Minimize Bruising from Rhinoplasty Surgery

    One of the common concerns that a new patient may have about rhinoplasty is that the surgery will cause severe bruising, which may lead to an extended downtime and a difficult recovery process. However, the fact is that a cosmetic surgeon can minimize the possibility of bruising and ensure a relatively painless and fast recovery following rhinoplasty procedure.

    If the surgeon is an expert in rhinoplasty, they would have a good majority of patients who have experienced only minimal bruising, and even others would only require about a week at home when the nasal cast is removed and they can return to work. Dr. Paul McCluskey is an experienced plastic surgeon providing rhinoplasty and other procedures to patients in Atlanta, GA and surrounding communities.

    Surgeon’s Expertise

    The cosmetic surgeon who performs rhinoplasty becomes the most important factor in minimizing the patient’s bruising in most cases. Bruising essentially occurs when the surgeon has to make cuts in the nasal bones to reshape or resize the nose. While making these incisions in the bone, it is possible that the periosteum which covers the lower and upper surfaces of the nasal bones may be cut or shredded.

    If the cuts take place in the periosteum, which is the key source of blood supply to the nasal bone, it will bleed into the skin below the eyes and cheek, causing extra swelling and bruising. If the plastic surgeon takes more time and care to elevate the periosteum when it is required to the cut the nasal bones, it is possible to minimize the trauma to the periosteum and effectively reduce the bruising. Patients in Atlanta, GA and nearby areas have an opportunity to receive rhinoplasty from Dr. McCluskey.

    Patient Factors

    Several patient factors may also contribute to bruising in rhinoplasty procedure:

    Age – As an individual gets older, the blood vessels tend to become more fragile. Therefore, older patients are likely to bruise a little more.
    Tendency to Bleed – If the patient has a personal or family history of excessive bleeding or bruising following a surgery, this issue should be discussed during treatment plans so that the surgeon may adopt an appropriate surgical approach.
    Blood Thinning Drugs – If the patient has been taking blood thinning medications, this factor must be taken into account and arrangements with the primary care physician must be made prior to rhinoplasty.

    Tips for Patients

    The surgeon will recommend several do’s and don’ts to help the patient achieve desired results with minimal bruising. At least two weeks before the surgery, the patient must avoid medications such as ibuprofen, aspirin, and various anti-inflammatories. This avoidance must continue after the surgery until the patient receives clearance from the surgeon.

    High dosages of herbal remedies, teas, fish oils, multi-vitamins, and products that contain high levels of Vitamin E should be avoided. Immediately following the rhinoplasty procedure, the patient should apply ice packs or frozen pea packs to the cheeks for at least two to three days. As far as possible, the head should be kept in an elevated position to help reduce bruising.

    For more information on procedures and treatments offered by Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Paul McCluskey and the Plastic Surgery Institute of Atlanta, visit: